Chapter 37: I Can't Lose You

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"Joella! Peanut slow down!" Uncle Jay yelled after me as I ran down the hospital hallway.

Suddenly my feet halted as I ran into a figure who wrapped their arms tightly around me.

"Let me go!" I screamed as I tried to push the figure away.

"Joella, please calm down." I froze and looked up as I realized the arms around me were my mom's.

"How is he? He's okay, right? Please tell me he's okay!" I pleaded as tears fell down my eyes.

My mom's eyes were bloodshot red as she looked down at me.

"I don't know baby, he's still in surgery." Her voice shook with every word.

Big arms wrapped around us both as I buried my head into my mom's chest.

"It's going to be okay." Uncle Jay tried to comfort. But the pain and sadness in his voice were evident. It was bad.

All I could do was close my eyes tight as I tightened my hold on my mom.

"Family of Joseph Stevens." A man spoke as he and a woman in white lab coats walked out of the large double doors.

Our heads snapped in their direction as we quickly approached.

"We're his family." My mom rushed out.

"Mrs. Stevens?" The male doctor questioned as he looked up from his tablet.

"Yes, and his daughter and brother." Mom answered while gesturing to Uncle Jay and me.

The doctor nodded before handing his clip to the woman and turning to us with a deep sigh.

"The injuries your husband sustained were severe and caused internal bleeding. We tried our hardest to stop the bleeding, but I'm sorry to inform you, there wasn't much else we could do."

My legs buckled under me as I felt my uncle quickly catch me from hitting the floor. The sound of Mom's cries filled the lobby as the doctor caught her from falling.

"I'm so sorry." He said softly.

I buried my head in my uncle's chest. His arms slightly shook as he held me tight.

"It's going to be okay Peanut." His voice was hoarse and I could tell he was crying too.

I soon felt my mom's warmth wrap around us as we all cried together.

"Breathe Ella." My mom said while patting my back.

I desperately took in a breath but still felt as if my lungs had closed. The hole in my heart was too great. I felt like I had just run a marathon and was trying to catch my breath. Every breath I took hurt.

"Peanut, come on baby, breathe."

"I can't!" I choked out. "I can't," I repeated as a whisper left my lips with another sob. Finally taking in a deep breath, I let out the scream I was holding in the entire time.

My daddy was gone. My best friend. My hero. He was really gone.


Light beeping brought me out of my slumber as the smell of rubbing alcohol hit my nose. Sleepily raising my head from the pillow on the hard hospital couch, I pulled the white blanket over my shoulder as a cold chill ran through my body.

A figure stood above my mom, wiping their eyes. As my vision cleared, I recognized the figure.

"Mama Carolyn?" I started as I tiredly lifted myself, rolling my feet to the floor.

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