Chapter 57: New Era I

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3 months later


Three months. Three fucking months and no sign of Maxim. He abandoned his hiding spot and has went radio silent. Even his father claims to not know where he is.

Being Don now, I had everything and everyone at my disposal, so if Maxim couldn't be found it was because he didn't want to be. I had no doubt the Russians were keeping his whereabouts from us. Yes his dad said he couldn't find him, but I find it hard to believe.

Being Don meant spending more time in Sicily. Ella enjoyed trying all the food and everyone around us treated her like a queen. The fact she was carrying two boys meant everyone fed her everything to make sure the boys came out healthy and strong. My uncle insisted we make our wedding a destination wedding and get married there. Ella was worried about some of her family not being able to make the trip but I assured her we would take care of it.

So now here we are, looking at the 3rd villa to possibly hold our wedding. Ella walked around in awe. Her eyes stared up at the elegant tall white ceiling as the wedding planner shared all the details and history of the building. I could tell by Stella's demeanor, this was her favorite.

Her eyes shined as she looked at me. "I love this one."

I nodded. "Then we will book this one." I answered with a smile.

She squealed before clapping her hands and looking around in awe. The stupid smile on my face hadn't lifted. Seeing my woman so happy brought a joy I never thought imaginable.

"Excellent choice, we can go over the colors and decor later. When will you be heading back to America?" The wedding planner asked.

"This evening." I answered.

She nodded. "Okay I will set up some video calls in the next week. How does that sound?" She asked Ella.

"Sounds great! Thank you for your help."

I watched as they spoke to one another. Ella was showing beautifully now and it made my heart swell. Her hair was pulled back into a low curly puff. She wore a long summer dress that swayed with the wind. She said pants were too uncomfortable now and she was going to were dresses until she had the boys. I didn't mind too much, easy access.

After a small while Ella turned to me, a bright smile on her face and I couldn't help but to return it. She made her way to me after waving to the wedding planner. I interlocked our hands and we headed out to the car to head to the airport.

The flight back home was calming. Ella had fallen asleep while I looked over some accounts for Cooper Inc. Once finished I closed my laptop and looked out the window. A tiredness rushed over me as my mind raced through the last few months.

Morgan and Luca weren't doing to well. Morgan's mom was really in her ear and it was making Luca go slightly crazy. Taking on as the new leader for the Russo's was one thing and had its on stresses. Morgan possibly leaving him was a completely different kind of stress.

I knew Morgan had confided in Ella but Ella told me nothing, which only fueled Luca's frustration more. He and Morgan weren't seeing eye to eye anymore and I would be lying if I said it wasn't changing Luca for the worst. He was angry a lot, taking it out on his men and enemies. I was going to have to talk with him soon.

After a long flight, we were finally home. Ella was still tired and went right to our room to go back to sleep. I instructed the chef to make some food for when she finally awoke as I made my way back out the penthouse. While walking to my car I watched as Tony got out of his.

"Hey Boss, you got a minute?"

"Yea, what's up?"

His ran his fingers through his hair, letting me know he was slightly anxious about what he was going to say. I fully turned to him, giving him my full attention.

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