Chapter 41: Bad News

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I stared at Ella's face. It was clear she was pissed and no longer wanted to be here. I turned to my Nonna, her face was a mixture of surprise and pride.

As I made my way to Ella, Nonna put her hand up, gesturing for me to stop. So I did, Nonna wrapped an arm around Ella's shoulder before speaking.

"Now now dear, calm down. No one is leaving. We have some important things we need to discuss and you my dear are at the center of it all."

Ella turned to her with a confused expression.

"Me? Why me?" She asked.

"You being with Haden means that when he takes over, you will be something like a queen of our world," Leo interjected.

My eyes snapped to Julia as she slightly scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"What is your problem?" Ella asked.

Julia crossed her arms and leaned back against the couch. Her eyes drifted to her dad and the look on his face made her quickly change hers.

"I-I just-"

"Still want Haden." Gio coughed out and looked around as if he didn't say anything.

Dante' chuckled under his breath as Ella stiffened and her gaze turned to me.

"Still?" She questioned.

As I began to open my mouth, I was cut off by Nonna.

"If Haden wanted Julia by his side, she would be. She is not, Joella is and this will be the last time this situation is addressed. Julia, no one will tolerate disrespect towards Joella. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am" Julia responded softly with her head hung low.

"Good, now you two." Nonna squeezed Ella's shoulders as she looked between us. "Can talk about this later. Right now, we need to discuss the Russians."

She stated and started to walk towards her office. I grabbed Ella's hand as we followed behind her. My brows furrowed as I felt Ella untwist her hand from mine and my head quickly turned to her.

She stared straight ahead as she followed behind my Nonna. A surge of irritation went through me as she continued to ignore my gaze. Releasing a huff, I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers.

She sighed but didn't try to remove her hand again. So I guess she wasn't too pissed...right? I know I probably should have told her Julia was my ex earlier but I never had the chance. Everything started happening so fast, it honestly slipped my mind.

My attention was pulled to the office door as I heard it open. My eyes widened as I recognized the familiar face. Why is he here?

"Uncle Jay?" Ella whispered.

"Hey, peanut!" His loud voice filled the hallway as he opened his arms up.

Without hesitation, Ella pulled her hand from mine and practically ran into his arms. His large arms wrapped around her frame as a small chuckle left his lips.

"I missed you." She mumbled against his shirt.

"I missed you too Peanut." He said, a small smile planted on his face.

Ella sniffed and his smile turned to a frown as he leaned back and cupped her face. "Peanut, why are you crying?" He asked tenderly.

"It's just so good to see is...she's-"

"I know Peanut, I know." He said as he pulled her into another hug.

"Uncle Jay is here. Don't worry." The tension around Ella disappeared and I suddenly felt disappointed in myself that I couldn't do that for her at this moment.

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