Chapter 59: Heirs

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Jumping out of the car, I wasted no time as I ran to the elevator doors rapidly clicking on the up button. As the doors opened I rushed in with Luca, Enzo, and Micah hot on my trail.

I anxiously waited for us to get to the 6th floor. As the doors opened I jetted out as I already knew what room I was going to. I swung the door open just as Ella let out a scream and Morgan rubbed her back.

Stella made her way to me as I stood in the doorway in shock. She placed her hand on my shoulder which snapped me out of my daze.

"It's just contractions," Stella explained. "She's been asking for you."

With those words, I walked right up next to Ella. She looked at me with a slight glare before scrunching her face as another contraction hit her. As Morgan and her mom helped her with breathing, her tired eyes turned to me.

"You're late." She scolded.

"I know Tesoro, I'm sorry," I said grabbing her hand and kissing it.

She tried to snatch her hand away but then gripped the life out of it when another contraction came through.

"You're doing great Joella, just keep breathing. Push when I tell you to push okay?"

Ella nodded as she kept up with her breathing. I softly wiped the sweat from her forehead as I slowly began to lose feeling in my fingers.

"Alright Joella, PUSH!"


Cries filled the room. I couldn't stop the smile on my face as I kissed the top of Ella's head. I was in complete awe of her, she pushed out both our boys naturally. She wanted the epidural but by the time she got to the hospital, the boys were ready and wasted no time. I was just happy I made it here before they came. Ella was the strongest woman I knew. I smiled as the nurse brought the babies back to us after they were cleaned.

Placing one in each of our arms, everyone cooed as we watched our twins both yawn at the same time. They were beautiful. Their dark hair lay flat on their heads, their arms still reaching out towards one another. I wanted to see their eyes, but they had yet to fully open them.

Suddenly the one Ella was holding opened his eyes. Ella and I both smiled, a perfect mix.

"Come on little man," I whispered to my son in my arms. "Let's see if your eyes match your brothers."

As if he knew what I was saying, his eyes opened slowly. I smiled as I turned him to Ella.

"They have the same eyes, a perfect mix of yours and mine." She gleamed.

I nodded with a smile on my face. Their eyes were beautiful, hazel, the perfect mix of green and golden brown.

"They're going to be little heartbreakers," Morgan said with a chuckle.

"Yup, worse than Haden," Ashley added.

"Hey!" I said offended. "I wasn't that bad."

Everyone just looked at me with knowing smirks. I rolled my eyes before turning to Ella who wore the same smirk on her face. She motioned for me to hand over our other son so she could hold them both.

Both of their little eyes opened as they stared at their mom. I can't even explain the feeling in my chest. I was just extremely happy.

I noticed Ella yawning and grabbed the boys from her. After placing them safely in their crib, I smiled as they instantly wrapped around each other.

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