Chapter 50: More than One

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2 weeks later...


I watched closely as Maxim casually walked out of the familiar warehouse. As my head started to pound, the overwhelming truth of everything was beginning to hit me hard.

I clutched the pistol tighter as I fought the urge to hop out of the car and end him now. But that would be too easy, and I had more pressing things to handle right now.

The Bratva were already somewhat in shambles after Ghidorah blew up one of their estates. Now all the other estates were locked down like Fort Knox. It didn't matter though, blowing up shit wasn't my thing. All I wanted to do was torture.

My attention was pulled back to the warehouse when the doors opened again. My head began to pound even more as I watched Riccardo glide out of the building without a care in the world.

There were two things in this world we didn't tolerate, traitors and rats, and Riccardo had just proven himself to be both. If Dante' was involved in this in any way, he was as good as dead too. I silently watched as Riccardo made his way to his car, I fought back the urge to run up on him and put a bullet through his head. But Nonna's words kept playing in my head.

"Keep a clear head Haden. We must get all the information before we attack."

I took in a deep breath before shaking my head and starting the engine. We were going to need to do a sweep of our own people. Where there's one rat, there are others nearby.


I leaned against the door as I waited for Ella to come out of the bathroom. She was currently dealing with morning sickness and I was band from coming into the bathroom.

"You're sure you don't want me to come hold your  hair back?" I yelled through the door.

"No Haden!" She yelled back before gagging again.

Soon I heard the toilet flush and water running. Once the door opened, the corners of my mouth lifted as I looked her over. She wasn't showing much yet, but knowing my child was in her brought me so much joy. She wore a fitted yellow maxi dress that made her skin pop, her hair was pulled up in a curly puff allowing her beautiful features to shine through. Her eyes met mine and my smile grew.

"What?" Her face formed a slight frown.

"You're just so beautiful."

She fought the corners of her mouth from lifting and rolled her eyes as she walked to the vanity.

"I don't feel beautiful." She mumbled while grabbing a pair of gold earrings.

"Well you are." I said as I wrapped my arms around her, planting a soft kiss on her shoulder.

Today we were going to her first official OB appointment. I couldn't wait to see our little nugget on the ultrasound.

"My face is breaking out." She said with a pout.

"Still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

"So you agree I'm breaking out?"


"What? No, baby I'm saying you look perfect."

She gave me a blank stare before walking around me and slipping on her sandals. I watched as the small pout didn't leave her face. Hiding my smirk, I walked up behind her and kissed the back of her neck.

I could see the goosebumps form on her neck and my grin widened.

"You know you're my perfect girl. I would never lie about that." I spoke softly in her ear.

She looked back at me, her frown now wiped from her face. She stayed quiet but I knew she was in a better mood.

I couldn't hide the smile on my face as Ella stared between the monitor and the doctor with her eyes wide.

"I'm sorry, can you say that again?"

"You're having twins Ms. Stevens."

"Twins." She repeated before looking at me.

I just shrugged with a permanent smile on my face.

"Rest is going to be very important for you. Dad, don't let her stress to much."

"Of course not." I answered immediately. My baby wasn't even going to half to walk if she didn't feel like it.

"Wait. So I'm really carrying twins?" Ella asked again and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yes, Joella. You are having twins." The doctor spoke with an amused expression.

"I can't believe you did this to me." Ella said, causing the doctor and I to laugh.

"Baby, it's your egg that chose to split."

She playfully rolled her eyes before smiling.

"Well we are done then. Two was my max." She said with a chuckle.

I smirked but kept my mouth shut. She was a good 6 short but we could cross that bridge another time.

"You two are going to be great parents. Congratulations." The doctor said before handing Ella her papers and walking out the room. Shortly after, we left the office and headed home.


I watched as Ella excitedly talked with her mom. They were currently looking at baby clothes on Stella's phone.  I sat back comfortably in my seat with a permanent smile on my face. I looked up when I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders.

"You seem very content." My dad said as he sat across from me, breaking my view of Ella.

"Putting it lightly."

Dad chuckled as a wide smile spread across his face.

"I wasn't expecting to be a grandpa yet." He joked.

I just shook my head. I wanted him to be a grandpa four years ago, but Ella definitely didn't want kids then. It's good timing though. Our home will be fully ready soon.

"Have you taken Ella to the house yet?"

"Not yet, and don't talk so loud. It's a surprise."

Dad smirked when a knock came to the door. I casually walked to the door and opened it to find my nonna standing in front of me, but she wasn't alone.

"What's going on?" I asked as I stepped back for her to come in.

"I've been digging into what you sent me. It's time for us to do a cleanse."

Not the longest chapter but I am getting back into my groove. The next few
chapters will be longer as this story will soon be coming to an end. Thank you for being patient with me! ❤️

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