Before you start

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Hiiii, I'm Ete, and this is my first work on Wattpad!

After a milennium of binging on Hermitcraft fanfics, I have finally decided to write one myself. 

Some things you need to know:

This story takes place at the end of evo and the start of season 6 of hermitcraft, but not a lot will actually be written about. Tag, Grian's head hunt, Sahara, etc. won't be written too much about, altho some stuff may survive, I don't really know. This is a completely different Hermitcraft AU.

There will be angst, violence, death, and maybe a bit of cursing. This is not a shipping book, as I can't write romance to save my life, but there may be a few implications of it. If there are, please note that I am shipping AU characters, not the actual YouTubers. I respect them and their personal lives. take note of the following tws:


violence and gore

description of injury


nonconsensual mutilation, themes of torture


If you are reading this on, then immediately stop. I did not post it there, and did not consent to it being put there either. That website steals stories from hardworking authors and uploads them without consent. If you're reading this on that website, please come to Wattpad instead. Thanks for understanding!

If you don't mind, please help us take down this website by signing this petition: (i'll put it in comments). Thank you for helping us get rid of this website.


do you need anything else here ;-;

ok bye enjoy!!!

have a good day or night, wherever you are!


~The First Step~ a Hermitcraft AUWhere stories live. Discover now