Chapter 12 (FLASHBACK: Xisuma)

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wc: 657

tw: minor panic attack


They raised their head, and X leaped back.

Their eyes were purple.


time: the start of season 6

X tried to reason with himself. This person seemed scared, terrified. On the other hand, he was a Watcher, and Watchers never brought anything good.

He approached the person to try and get some answers. Instead of a glare or any look of hatred, he only received one of pain and defeat, as if he knew nothing good was coming out of it and didn't wish for anything anymore.

It scared Xisuma a bit, but he pushed the fears away and focused on the mystery Watcher in front of him. He considered tying the person up, but they looked so harmless...

Suddenly, the person bolted upright, running into the woods somewhere. Xisuma gritted his teeth and used admin magic to try and bring him back. The Watcher had far more superior powers, however, and it did nothing except spook them even more.

"Wait!!" Xisuma shouted after them. "I'm not going to hurt you!! I want to help you!!" X wasn't sure if it was true, he just wanted it to work.

The person slowed, then stopped. They cocked their head at him, as if to say, Really?

They took two hesitant steps towards Xisuma, who had dropped any weapons on the ground and held up his hands in surrender. However, their knees buckled, and they dropped to the ground. Xisuma immediately rushed to help them back to where the portal was.

<Xisuma> Stress can you come back to spawn

<Xisuma> its urgent

<Stressmonster> otw

He liked that Stress never asked questions. She knew her priorities.

The Watcher had closed their eyes. Was he still awake? Xisuma couldn't tell.

After a little, feet padding on grass and panting could be heard. Stress ran into the clearing, a new flower crown a little lopsided on her head.

"Xisuma!" she said, then immediately spotted the Watcher. She was oblivious to what the mystery person was, which X thought might be for the better.

"He appeared just as I was about to close the portal," X told her. "He's like a frightened animal. I don't know his intentions, though. I thought maybe we'd make sure he's fine physically and then send him away."

Stress was busy adjusting the person's form on the ground. Did they pass out?

"What's this?" Stress asked, gesturing to the mask. A frown twisted her face. "Can he see with it on?"

Xisuma hesitated. "I'll tell you later."

Stress nodded and continued her work (y'all idk how medics or healers work just pretend shes being real professional). After a moment, she said, "He seems... stable, physically. I think he passed out from exhaustion. He should be up soon."

"Okay," Xisuma said. Should he feel relieved? Scared? Did Watchers usually seem this vulnerable? From his experience, they looked to be made of bedrock, their surfaces impenetrable.

A few minutes later, the Watcher stirred. Xisuma had experience reading facial expressions with masks, with Etho and Wels and himself and Ex, and was surprised to see the fearful look on the Watcher's face once he fully awoke.

The Watcher scrambled back a bit before remembering that he wasn't supposed to run, he'd already done that. Xisuma stood up and extended a hand out.

Instead of taking it, the Watcher flinched back, their hands raised as if to defend their face from a blow. Xisuma blinked and looked at Stress for help. She frowned and came over. 

"Hey," she said, laying a hand on his shoulder. He flinched again at the touch but after a moment looked up to see Stress' calming brown eyes. "We're here to help you. Are you hurt anywhere? Is anything wrong? Wait." She stopped herself. "What's your name?"

The person opened their mouth as if to speak, but instead of sound, there was silence. 

"Can you speak?" Stress asked.

The Watcher shook their head.

"Do you know why?" Stress said, crouching next to the Watcher-in-distress. They shook their head. Stress hummed. "Scratch out your name in the dirt?"

The Watcher nodded shakily, then scratched in the dirt:



Y'all thank you SOOOOOO MUCH for 1.1k READS!!! When I planned on posting this I thought it would be just 1k but nO you guys ran the extra mile and gave 100 more. I am forever grateful for the support.

Thanks for reading! Have a good day or night, wherever you are <3


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