Author's Note

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To everyone who made it this far, thank you for reading. This story has been a passion project of mine for years, and I've grown and changed so much over the course of its writing. 

I began this project without much writing experience, and to be honest, I executed it rather poorly. I didn't have a clear outline for what I wanted to write, and there's a lot of plot holes and forgotten arcs and an insane number of unexplored characters. I rode a lot on the fact that this was a fanfic with characters that most were familiar with and ignored the necessary setup and moments that a proper story should have.

Regardless, I put so much time and effort into this, and I'm just grateful that I was able to see it through to the end. There were times where I considered abandoning this entirely, but I've finally made it!

It's been over two years, and I have just recently turned 15. I don't think I will continue writing on this platform, but if I do continue to write works for fandoms, I will most likely be on AO3 under the name etethewild. I really do love writing, so I hope that I will post more as I grow in my writing ability.

Thank you to everyone who's left supportive comments, voted, or followed my work. Your support was what kept me going throughout everything to continue posting and updating. I love you all very much, and this journey has meant so much to me.

Thank you, again. I hope we will meet again!

Thank you for reading! Have a good day or night, wherever you are!


~The First Step~ a Hermitcraft AUWhere stories live. Discover now