Chapter 48

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wc: 2013

For the next few days, Joel brought back all sorts of news of positive reactions, as well as a newspaper article.

"What's this about?" Grian said through a mouthful of food, shaking the paper open and squinting at the words. "Anyone caught with the paper on their property will be executed. Any talk about it will be immediately dealt with." He sighed and shook his head.

"Too late now," Joel piped up. "They have the thoughts in their heads. Watchers can't do anything about that."

Grian nodded, smiling, and handed the paper back to Joel. "Any other news?"

Joel plopped himself on the chair next to him, plucking some dried chorus fruit off of his plate and munching on it. Chorus fruit that had been dried of its juice wouldn't teleport the person who ate it, although sometimes it hadn't been completely strained and the unsuspecting watcher would be suddenly sent across the room. "A base on the other side of the kingdom was infiltrated," he said solemnly.

Grian jolted. "You should have started with that," he said, good mood crashing. "Did anyone..?"

Joel shook his head, and Grian sagged with relief. "Injuries, but there wasn't a whole army or anything, so they escaped. I don't know what the plan is, but the base was destroyed."

"Destroyed?" Grian sputtered. "Thought you said there weren't that many watchers?"

"It all went, uh, kablooey," Joel said, gesticulating with his hands. "We're lucky that nobody was hurt too badly, though."

Grian nodded. "Do you reckon it's time to get some training in?"

"For... the entirety of the Listeners?" Joel asked skeptically.

"You're the whole director of whatever communications things," Grian said, poking him. "You'll find a way."

Joel sighed. "If we can get everyone congregated in their groups, that would be great, but it might be hard."

"Let's get planning, then," Grian said.

Over the next few days, Grian spent most of his time in the training room with a notebook, writing down points he knew he had to teach. Occasionally, he pulled Joel or X inside to experiment with something, although Joel was always reluctant ("I don't want to be your training dummy!"). Grian found it surprisingly peaceful though; chatting with Hermits and some Listeners and kind of just chilling.

He and Joel had found a date when the Listeners would all most likely be free; ironically, it was on the Watcher kingdom's supposed birthday, when no one would work, even shopkeepers and restaurants, and celebrate in the evening until midnight. The details were still yet to be worked out, but Joel had sent out a message to each base's leader, and all had sent back answers of affirmation.

It was a quiet, chilly morning in the base. Grian sat crosslegged on the floor of the training room with his staff, scribbling notes down. He fiddled with the collar of his tunic, unkempt hair falling over his eyes.

"Oh, there you are Grian!" Scar said goodnaturedly, poking his head into the training room. Grian looked up and smiled a little tiredly.

"Where else could I be?" he replied with a laugh, sitting up. "What's up?"

"I remembered that Martyn had wanted me to tell you something," Scar said, his face turning serious. Grian felt a shiver go up his spine as Scar sat down next to him. For the first time, he noticed gold markings swirling over Scar's jaw and cheek, covering where his scars had once been, probably a sign of his fae heritage. His emerald eyes seemed mournful, and it raised the hairs on the back of Grian's neck to see such an expression on what was usually the cheerfulest face in the room.

"What is it?"

"I believe it was about Evo," Scar said, and Grian flinched, bowing his head. "Martyn said..." Scar's throat bobbed as he visibly swallowed.

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