in case you didn't see my feed

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i am currently on vacation, which is why i haven't been updating lol, i'll be back home on the fifth of july so you can expect an update soon after that :)

SNEAK PEEK FOR THE FIRST STEP THAT I HAD WRITTEN BEFORE I LEFT (tw: bone breaking, descriptions of blood):

Grian fell.

He couldn't see anything, shapes blurring because of the speed at which he was plummeting. A hand stretched out, reaching for something that would never be there.

He could feel his feathers pushing against the back of his jumper, and in his panic, he pushed harder, trying to get the fabric to give, to let his wings loose, anything, anything, please, please, please, please-

Bones snapping.

Something dark and sticky.


The rustle of bedsheets.

Grian sat up, one hand still outstretched, reaching for something that would never be there.

Thank you for reading this excerpt lol, have a good day or night wherever you are!


~The First Step~ a Hermitcraft AUWhere stories live. Discover now