rundown! (not a chapter)

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hey guys!! this is gonna be a quick explanation of all the important details you should know for the upcoming chapters and ending arc!

since i started this story as a more amateur writer compared to now, i went in with basically nothing planned except for a basic timeline and how it would end. with this little mini-chapter i hope to explain anything that you guys might be confused about by my poor writing. if you're new here, then hopefully this will explain some bg info so you dont have to go back and read everything and get confused! 

this won't have all the little details, but it'll follow the important stuff on grian's life timeline. don't be surprised if some of this doesnt exactly align with the story, since i most likely made more than one mistake. hope this helps!

before the story:

-grian is born as an admin, he goes to admin school and is good at what he does

-he starts the evo server, invites friends, notable members that are in this story are jimmy, bigb, pearl, martyn, and taurtis

-the evo server gets attacked by watchers, some members are killed and some escape

-watchers capture grian and torture/experiment with him as per normal prisoner of war customs, all under the instruction of xeluph, a watcher who is rising to power

-he is (painfully) turned into a watcher in an experiment and is very powerful (and grows wings!!), given the name "xelqua"

-grian meets xayla, a healer who works for the watcher gov. to heal prisoners between experiments. she tells him about a resistance called the listeners

-xeluph trains grian for a while and its very not great, he eventually gets too busy so grian is trained by the leader, the head of the government whos power is undermined right now, so he's more of a figurehead than anything

-he gives his staff to grian. grian doesn't know this, but it means he's passing down his leadership to grian

-grian manages to escape once, goes around, becomes well known, but gets captured again

-the listeners attack the capital building, and grian manages to escape, not without killing multiple watcher guards

-the portal leads to hermitcraft, where x finds him; he can't talk after the trauma he's experienced, and he recovers with stress and x for a while; they're the only ones who know that he's a watcher as of now

in the story

-in hermitcraft, he starts experiencing episodes of not being able to breathe and goes to X, who has some kind of potion. as beings from the void, they cant breathe overworld air, which is why x has that potion; it works

-eventually, watchers start to try to get back to him by breaking the code barrier X has set up. grian goes into the code and fights them off

-pearl gets into hermitcraft! grian tells her about voices he's been hearing that tell him to "go back" and are very violent. she knows what this means, but she doesnt reveal everything and says that his magic is growing and wants to return to its origins. grian notices when he's around her, she brings an atmosphere of serenity + peace

-the watchers manage to transport hermitcraft members and grian's closest friends to last life, a morally questionable game, and the chaos of last life ensues; while grian's here, the voices subside kind of but come back later. he finds traces of watcher magic and gives xeluph a lil scare by destroying one of the cameras!

-after grian kills mumbo because of the voices, he gives in and asks xeluph to not touch the players as long as he goes with them. xeluph agrees

-grian reveals that he's a watcher; he tells the players to go into their own portal while he goes in his, martyn also reveals he's a fae here and says that he met the listeners. grian goes into the portal but mumbo manages to tag along

-grian and mumbo appear in prison; mumbo isn't harmed in any way, but grian...

-grian's wings are amputated as punishment, he's understandably distraught about this

-after hearing that he's in prison, xayla initiates the plan to break grian out. the listeners save him and help him recover

-x and scar manage to combine their magic and open a portal to the watchers, they get mumbo and skedaddle. 

-grian goes to a meeting and explains part of his backstory; he realizes he is the leader because the leader has been killed by xeluph

-xayla finds scar and mumbo and x.. i don't know how, but... she does, and we accept that and move on

-the lil trio reunite with grian, who has been kind of healed from his previous... grievous injuries (rip wingies). grian has an argument with x, who doesn't want to join the listener's cause in order to protect his server, grian is sad boi, but x says he'll stay and see

-grian has a nightmare that x witnesses. grian's magic starts turning golden, he accidentally burns x while he's at it. he's leveling up guys

-the hermits go off in search of their missing friends, they group together and all the people with magic reopen the portal that x and scar used. the listeners rescue them and take them to the base

-grian learns to start to control his new magic. x learns a bit about grian's past, and then they go and reunite with hermits. grian tries to have them go back, but they refuse

-hermits train with grian, get obliterated, we learn about magic overuse!!! the concept is that magic starts in the heart and travels through the bloodstream, puberty/traumatic events can cause magic "sacs" on the heart to open and start releasing magic. when grian overuses his new magic, it kind of sears its path in his veins, causing visible bruising in the pattern of his veins. its a bit gruesome and it hurts but if you take care of it and rest you'll be ok!!!!

-the listeners' main base has been discovered, watchers attack. grian singlehandedly destroys them but overuses his magic and is conked out

-they escape to a minor base and that is where we have left off!!!

that's the plot so far!! i might make another mini chapter with our characters and stuff, but don't count on it lolol

if you ever go back and reread (if so, thank you!!), you might start to see some things change. i have been planning on editing some of it so that it flows a little better, but hopefully that doesn't go off the rails ;v;

if you got through this, congrats!!! if you didnt, hopefully everything still makes sense!! thanks for reading, and as usual, have a good day or night, wherever you are!!!


(ps new chapter coming soon)

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