Chapter 25 (Still Grian/Xeluph)

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tw: trauma

wc: 1496 (woo a hefty chapter! i think chapters will be getting longer from here on out, but publishing may take longer!)

wow this chapter is a doozy

Grian was doing terrible. That much he would admit.

He stayed in his little cave, taking turns between tossing restlessly in the bed and banging his head on the wall. Sometimes, he went outside and brutally slashed up trees with his sword and axe, the need to move and kill ringing incessantly in his mind.

The voices had been painfully and purposely loud, berating Grian for his decision to let Mumbo go (as that one on one would have obviously ended with a win) and drowning out even his own thoughts. 

While Grian was slowly going insane from the voices and flashes of red in his vision, the decision to get an army of dogs was definitely the right call. He let himself sink into their white fur, feeling wet tongues slide up his face and wet, cold noses poking his tattered clothing.

A little ding rang from Grian's comm. He tapped at the surface half heartedly, squinting blearily at the screen.

<Smallishbeans> grian

<Smallishbeans> meet up? at my base

There was a snuffle in Grian's ear and he absentmindedly pushed the snout away (gently of course).

Other reds



Joel is good

Joel is red



Blood is red

Grian's fingers were moving before he even realized it.

<Grian> okay

He stared at the words for another moment before pushing himself to his feet, grabbing the sword at the door and sliding it into the sheath on his belt.

As he walked through the trees, a little woof grabbed Grian's attention. He turned to see one of his dogs, clearly a more rowdy one, as his fur was dirtier than most and his tongue hung lopsided out of a smiling mouth. His tail wagged as he nudged Grian's hand. The collar read Bernard.

"Bernard," Grian said, and the dog perked up at his name. "You're not supposed to be out here."

A little flutter of guilt made itself known in Grian's stomach as he lead Bernard back to the cave and closed the door.

And the next thing he knew, he was staring at Joel's house, a red angry face jabbed into the wood with shards of red stained glass.

Another blink, and Grian's gaze was directed towards six shiny blue gems encased with utmost care in his hands. He looked up and saw Joel and nearly flinched at the matted mange of hair and red, burning eyes. Do I look like tha-

Another blink. Grian's dashed through the tunnels, laughing hysterically at Scott's partially shocked, partially offended expression as he and Joel darted away from their base.

Another flash. A villager screamed as Joel's blade ran through it.

They left the underground with handfuls of steak.


Grian places his hand carefully on the obsidian box, feeling lightheaded.

It's as if his life had flashed before his eyes, and he only caught glimpses of it. Confusion swamped Grian's mind, but the voices said he did what he needed to do, and he was too tired to combat them.

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