Chapter 22 (Scar)

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more technoblade fanart!! (Chapter art)

wc: 886


i looked at all of the life transfers on Last Life SMP wiki and watched Scar's fifth episode again and saw how tragic it was so.... yeah.

Ete presents: Scar's Fall. Enjoy!

Scar's hands shook slightly and he clenched his fists to stop the trembling.

What just happened? he asked himself. His brain gave no response. For the life of him, he couldn't remember anything that had just happened; he just knew that Mumbo had lost a life because of him.

Scar knew that Grian was lying when he said that they should treat this like fun and games, that no real consequences would occur. But right now, he felt a fear so intense, he wanted to shrivel up and die. A fear of himself.

As Scar walked down from Dirt Mountain, he attempted to recollect everything. Nothing came. He stopped by a puddle and looked down. An unfamiliar face stared back.

His finger drifted across the surface of the water. Scar's reflection swirled away in ripples.

Scar straightened up and continued walking onward. Empty, wandering. He could see the Southland towers in the distance, and new guilt twisted in his stomach.  Scar put one foot in front of the other, not exactly sure as to why he was approaching. Maybe to apologize.

A creeper at the entrance set after Scar. He let out a small shriek of surprise, dodging. Voices drew near to the entrance and it opened. Scar quickly clambered onto the pistons, which shot him upward and he scrambled over a cobblestone barrier and his feet neared the ground and-

Shot right through.

Something hot touched him and he screamed, scrambling away from the lava. There were shouts and laughs, and Scar had to remind himself of the lie Grian had told. He held up his hands to shield his face from an explosion and out of pure panic poured his bucket of water on the ground, cobblestone forming and shielding him from the lava.

How am I still alive?  Scar thought, and then realized he'd said it aloud.

He saw the shocked but giddy faces of the Southlanders and wiped away the genuine fear on his face.

After a few minutes of confusion, Scar finally asked, "Was that for me?"

"Oh, no!" Martyn explained. "We exiled someone this week, that was for them."

"Good!" Scar hesitated. "Well, not good that someone was exiled, per se, but..."

They reached down, grabbed his arms, and helped haul him back onto normal ground. Scar moved his arms and legs gingerly as his hearts slowly went up again.

He looked at them slightly awkwardly. Why had he come again? He couldn't quite remember.

He quickly apologized and left.

In his confusion and delirium, he did some maybe not so smart things.

Scar had set up contracts where someone to get a life from him in exchange for the promise to not kill him unless they were the last two people alive or they were red and he wasn't.

He met Etho, on seven lives, and they agreed on a contract and figured out a way to give Bdubs a life, as the man had been constantly threatening Etho since he was on his last life.

They had snuck up on Bdubs, and Scar had touched him with the tip of his sword, channeling green into the chestplate and into Bdubs.

Six lives.

Then they had fled.

Bdubs came later, and as they stared at the contract, a sharp tug on the back of Scar's shirt came to his attention and he was flung into the air.

He felt something sharp cleave through his back, pain exploding in a flurry, and he tried to escape, but in moments he was gone.

Five lives.

Etho had apologized, and Scar had accepted it, knowing the emptiness in your memory when you were the boogeyman, yet he was still hurt. Just a bit.

Etho signed the contract.

Afterwards, Grian and Joel had cornered him with crossbows leveled, demanding lives for them and Jimmy as well, who hung back a little unsurely.

Scar had agreed, eyeing the death loop contraption they had created around his bed with unease, giving them books to sign. They had signed them. Scar gave them each a life.

Two lives.

He didn't regret it at all. Grian had come looking crazed, his hands twitching constantly, and seeing him so happy made Scar's heart lift a little.

And then Mumbo and Scott and Pearl and Cleo and Impulse had come over and the alliance shouted "FRIENDS?" at each other, and knowing that these bonds were created by Scar made him feel a little better.

And then they all left. Leaving Scar on the mountain, all alone, and when he had gone to enchant some items, he found out that Etho and Bdubs had stolen it when he had died because Etho killed him.

Scar screamed in frustration.

When he went to confront them, they said Skizz had it, so he took a diamond out of anger. He smiled to them, and then turned away, his face like a thundercloud.

So he had gone to the Southlands to ask if they had seen Skizz. 

He stood on top of the activating pistons that served as their door, explaining to them the situation.

"Don't move forward!" Grian warned him.

"Why?" Scar asked.

"You can stand on the stone brick, but don't go any further," Grian continued.

Scar nodded.

And then as he began to explain the Skizz situation, he stepped forward a bit, and...

Lava and TNT.

The trap that hadn't killed him when he was still on seven lives now did, the sound of his hard earned items hissing as they disappeared into the lava the last thing he heard.

 Scar was silent.

hope you enjoyed! 

this chapter started off with no motivation but as i watched Scar's fifth episode i suddenly gained more so i wrote it in one night yay

thank you for reading! have a good day or night, wherever you are!


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