Chapter 7 (???)

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tw: bloodstains

wc: 390

this is a mini chapter I guess so it's really short. hope you enjoy anyway :)

"I'm sorry sir, but th-the hermits moved to another world," a Watcher stammered, frightened at all of the eyes on him.

There was a moment of deathly silence, and the Watcher at the head of the table stood up abruptly. "The code has been reset?" he growled.

The small Watcher nodded.

The second Watcher, Xeluph, slammed his gloved hand on the table. "Dammit!" he shouted.

"Sir," said one of the court officials, "We've spent so much energy on Xelqua, perhaps we should try another solution. I doubt that trying to-"

"SILENCE!" Xeluph yelled, and everybody was quiet. "Xelqua is the first step to the whole point of this plan. We NEED him. The people love him! He is crucial. We are not going to give up!"

The whole room was quiet.

"Maybe we can try a different approach," said a Watcher in the corner. 

"What, Xopal," Xeluph grumbled in frustration.

"Instead of trying to get to him, we let him come to us," Xopal suggested. "I've been researching power and transfer, and Leader Xarol has been..." Xopal wet his lips, "in position for a very long time."

Xeluph nodded. "I see where you're going... Maybe this idea should be for our ears only." He raised his voice. "This meeting is adjourned. Restart the work on the code barrier. We will find away."

After most of the Watchers had left, Xeluph motioned for Xopal to follow him and walked towards a heavy iron door. 

"Tell me about the power transfer," Xeluph said simply. He unlocked the iron door, revealing a long hallway of prison cells. The prisoners were all slumped against the walls, purple Watcher blood staining the floors and chains. 

"As Watchers grow older, their magic energy weake-"

"I KNOW this," Xeluph snapped. "Tell me something I didn't."

Xopal gulped obediently and began a ramble about magic moving. The author didn't want to reveal anything, so she decided not to put it in as the fourth wall screams in the distance.

As the two neared one particular cell, Xopal's words faded. Xeluph stood in front of the most significant cage in the whole hall. It was stained with both red and purple blood, and had, in fact, used to contain Xelqua himself.

"Interesting," Xeluph murmured. "We shall get started immediately." Xopal nodded and turned to leave.

"Oh! Before you go," Xeluph said. "Call one of the chefs. I need to have a word with them."

hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, and thanks for reading! If you liked it, please consider voting or commenting, it means a lot to me :)

btw, do any of you guys know how the Wattpad ranking system works, cause like there are people with like 100k reads who are behind me ;-; 

Have a good day or night, wherever you are <3


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