Chapter 14 (Mumbo)

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I know I should be updating my one shot book but honestly I like this one much more lol. also iM nOt In sChoOl yOu ARe

not proofread >:3 (but like when is it ever proofread)

Mumbo watched Grian's back move away. He'd gone back to wearing his sweater and elytra over his wings, despite Mumbo making those slits in the back of one of Grian's many jumpers. Mumbo knew it was because Grian didn't want to show his wings to the entirety of the server, as they would be a dead giveaway to what he was, but it still stung a bit. 

To be honest, Grian had been strange since the incident with Scar, who had been sworn to secrecy by Xisuma. Mumbo had noticed how Grian would flinch randomly, or shake his head as if to clear is head of thoughts. His voice was a little louder, a little higher, as if he were speaking over an ocean's roar. There were many times when Mumbo would catch a glimpse of Grian stumbling against a chest, then picking himself back up, holding his head.

But Mumbo didn't question anything. He had no idea of what had really happened to Grian when he was with the Watchers, and even a spoon like Mumbo could figure out that Grian didn't want to talk about it.

Ignoring the pit growing in his stomach, Mumbo headed towards the slowly growing shopping district to replenish his rockets. After all, it was easier to run errands and buy things than have a long, deep discussion about feelings.

Night had fallen, and phantoms screeched in the sky above, luckily not after Mumbo. Probably for Grian, Mumbo thought to himself. 

As he strolled back towards his hobbit hole and beginnings of a mega base, he heard a strange noise that sounded like paper ripping but much less materialistic.

His brain told him to look up, and there it was, a small rip in the sky. Something made its way out of it and fell to the earth below, although it was clearly taking a while. Mumbo could tell they would fall near Grian's place, so he quickly made his way towards the other hobbit hole.


Mumbo dodged a tree. Somebody was crouched in the grass, wings outstretched, indicating they had stopped their own fall. The giant wings looked like Grian's, shimmering and gigantic. Instead of approaching the figure, Mumbo sent X a message on his communicator.

However, against Mumbo's prayers, the door to the hobbit hole opened, and Grian stepped out, looking up and then letting his eyes travel downward.

"Grian!" the person shouted, flinging their arms around him. Mumbo nearly jumped out, but realized that it wasn't an attack. After sending the message, Mumbo hopped out of his hiding place and ran over.

"Pearl?!" Grian yelped. His eyes traveled over the shoulder of 'Pearl'. "Mumbo?!"

"I haven't seen you in so long!" Pearl said excitedly. "So much has happened since you left! I got away from the Watchers a little after you did-"

"Wait, slow down. Where've you been all this time?" Grian asked. 

"What's going on?" Mumbo tried. He was ignored.

"I can't tell you that," Pearl said to Grian with a grin.

 "Why are you here?" Grian asked, leading Pearl toward his hobbit hole. He looked back at Mumbo. "You can come in too," he said a little hesitantly. Mumbo awkwardly nodded and trailed after them.

"I've come with a warning," Pearl replied, her voice filled with mystery. Grian snorted. 

"Short version please."

Pearl sighed. "Watchers. Soon."

Grian froze. He rubbed his wrist and frowned, then shook his head.

"Mumbo, could you... go outside and call X?"

Even though he'd already called X, Mumbo understood that was his cue to leave. He slipped out the door, closing it quietly behind him. However, the spruce didn't muffle the sound completely.

"Pearl... I've been... hearing..." Suddenly Grian stopped. His voice suddenly was directed towards the door. "Curiosity killed the cat, Mumbo."

Mumbo flushed red and stepped back from the door. 

They continued to converse, and this time Mumbo waited for Xisuma to come, wandering around and staying away from the door.

Finally X arrived. His new bee suit flashed a bit as he landed. Mumbo told him what had happened (not including when Grian eXpOsEd him). 

X nodded. "Mumbo, could you stay here? I think this is something Grian would rather keep to himself." He gently put a hand on Mumbo's shoulder, staying like that for a moment before going into the hobbit hole, leaving a confused Mumbo Jumbo behind.

hope you liked this chapter! 

thank you so much for reading. Have a good day or night, wherever you are!


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