Chapter 17 (Grian)

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I should be doing math but OH WELL this is more important

if you didn't read my update titled "IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT" then the gist of it is no more third life, only last life, so that's what's happening. if you didn't read this then you may be a bit confused, but oh well, if you're reading it you know, rip to the people who didn't

also I'll probably post an extra chapter or two this weekend because I'm on a synchronized swimming team that has 4 hour practices on Saturday and Sunday so I usually don't have time -.- but the 12 under team is going to California for a competition and my coaches are going so I don't have practice! part of why im posting today and not tomorrow, since I also have Wednesday practices and Monday and Thursday flexibility, but since all my coaches ARE GONE I have a pretty empty week! wooo


The days wore on. Pearl left, to do... whatever it was that she did, nobody ever asked. Grian talked with Mumbo and Scar, failed a mayoral election, worked on his mansion, did anything to pass the time.

Every morning, he drank a potion and kept the strange episodes of breathlessness away. Every evening, Grian delved into the code to try and push back any attempts of breaking through from the Watchers. Occasionally, he'd have a little trouble, but it seemed most of the magic was fairly low level. At least, compared to him. 

It seemed to work. When Pearl left, the voices came back, but that was okay. He would... he could...

Honestly, there wasn't much he could do. Like now.

Why are you doing this?

Waste of time.

Waste of space.

Not worth it.

You'll be worth it if you go back...

Take someone down with you!



Go back!

Why were the voices so strong today? Grian supported himself against his unused storage system, breathing heavily. He tried to shake the voices out, but they kept coming back, screaming and banging against the walls of his mind, unable to break out but sure as heck trying to do so.

He steadied himself. He'd been through this already. He'd pushed back the voices when they told him to push Iskall off of his omega tree, when they'd wanted more than just campaign posters to get Scar as mayor, when they'd scoffed at Mumbo's redstone and verbally abused him about the back of his mansion. 

At some point they had started speaking in galactic, although Grian was so fluent in the language he had almost not noticed the change. He shoved the voices back and flew to the top of his mansion, where he sat and took in the view of the jungle.

It had only been a few days since Pearl left, but he already missed her and the feeling of serenity and peace she felt when he drew near to her. It was a strange feeling, but pleasant.

Instead of dwelling on his problems, Grian went with Mumbo to talk with Grumbot.

"I don't really want to tell him nobody voted for me, you know," Mumbo said as they met up in front of Grumbot, balancing on the end rods. Grian was much more stable than Mumbo, who was wobbling like crazy and flapping his arms humorously.

"Including us," Grian said, barely holding back laughter. His attempt failed and they both burst into giggles.

"What are we going to tell him, then?" Mumbo asked as they both hopped off the end rods, meeting in the middle and staring up at Grumbot. He was currently turned off, his eyes dark.

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