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Hey guys, it's Ete!

I just opened watt pad and there are now 100 reads.

What. The. Heck.

I honestly never planned on publishing anything, but all of the amazing writers inspired me to write something of my own, and here we are! The First Step is my own first step in Wattpad, and you guys are making my dreams come true.

Thank you so much.

I cannot express how much this means to me.

So I'm gonna end with some shameless self promo:

If you enjoy how this story is going, would you mind voting? It's such a simple action for you guys but it's so encouraging for me.

And with that said, thank you so much for reading what goes on inside my head. Have a wonderful day or night, wherever you are <3!


~The First Step~ a Hermitcraft AUWhere stories live. Discover now