Chapter 57

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wc: 2436

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The flight was relatively uneventful. Grian winced a bit at the sound of the fireworks, but the cloud coverage worked well to conceal them from any onlookers on the ground.

"Should be on your right," came a voice in Grian's ear. Grian could hear the tapping of Cub's keyboard from the other end of the earpiece, quick and nervous sounding.

Grian veered to the right, and he could hear the flapping of wings following his trail. It was eerily quiet, a solemn and slightly nervous air settling around the group. Through the mist, the cement roof of the capital building came into view, and he tucked the elytra in to dive.

"We're there," Grian whispered back into his comm, accompanied by the soft thumps of his comrades' feet landing on the rooftop. On reflex, Grian caught Scar's arm, and the fae sent him an insulted look.

"I wasn't going to fall," Scar whispered, pouting. Grian cracked a small smile and let go.

"Should be in the corner to your right," Cub said. Grian obeyed, moving towards said corner and spotting a vent.

"It'll be a tight squeeze," Grian murmured. He knelt and tugged at the vent- it seemed to be no wider than two people, hip to hip, and they'd have to army crawl. "Jev?"

Jevin stepped forward, stood next to the vent, and dissolved, blue slime sinking to the floor and slithering in between the cracks of the vent. After a few moments, Grian could see it reform into his body. There were a few clinks as he picked at the bolts with his sword before the cover finally came free. He hopped out, gesturing to let Grian in first.

"We're going in," Grian whisper-called to Etho and a Listener named Xaviel, crouched at the edge of the building and bows drawn. "Anyone seen us?"

"No," Etho whispered, unstringing the bow. "We're safe."

Grian nodded, took a deep breath, and crouched into the vent.

"We're in the vents," Grian muttered into his earpiece, suddenly feeling as if the walls of the vent had shrunk in on themselves. In, out.

"Take the first right," Cub replied. "The first vent opening should be a mailroom of sorts. Might have some stuff."

"Got it," Grian said, pushing himself forward. It was unwieldy, and not at all graceful, with his cloak tangling underneath his boots, but Grian gritted his teeth as they inched into darkness.

Grian ran a hand along the wall to his right as the light from the vent cut out completely, looking for the turn. "Cub? Can you see where we are?"

"It won't be as accurate anymore," Cub said. "If it's right, it'll be coming up now."

Grian reached forward, groping blindly, and made a small sound of surprise when his hand met empty air. "Got it. Everyone okay?"

There were a few noises of affirmation, and Grian started to turn, drawing his legs in and pushing off of the left wall. He exhaled in relief at the sight of slivers of light shining from an opening a bit further down. "I see it."

"Good," came Cub's short reply. Grian hauled himself forward and dug the tip of his knife into the bolts. With a twist, they came undone, and he caught them before they could clatter to the ground.

"Is there anyone there?" Impulse whispered, almost silent, and Grian nodded, holding up two fingers.

Grian crossed his fingers and prayed that they weren't being too loud as the group adjusted, with Scar and Etho crawling up to the opening and somehow managing to draw their bows, aiming through the cracks of the vents.

There were two thumps, a choked off sound of surprise, and then silence.

Etho braced a foot against the vent and pushed. Grian snatched it before the cover could fall and sent Etho a nod. Him and Bdubs lowered themselves gently from the opening, landing soundlessly on the floor and turning to the cabinets. Bdubs sent a blinding grin up to Grian and a flash of a thumbs up.

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