Chapter 11 (Stress/Xisuma)

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Wc: 774

Yeah it's time for STRESSSSSSS

tw: talking about torture, scars

Stress straightened up and stretched after brewing a lot of potions. Just in time, too, because then her communicator pinged, which meant it was an important message.

<Xisumavoid> Can Stress and Joe come to my base right now? It's urgent

<Xisumavoid> and bring medical supplies!

Lucky I brewed these potions, she thought to herself, worry making her heart pound. Stress put on an elytra and quickly made her way to Xisuma's base.

The bottles clinked as Stress made her way through the doors of the bee themed base. Mumbo was pacing behind them, making her nearly bump into the tall hermit.

"Oh! Sorry," Mumbo said sheepishly.

Stress smiled. "That's alright, luv! What's the problem?"

"Grian," Mumbo said quietly, pointing to a door.

Stress didn't ask questions and went through it. Grian was lying on the bed, completely still. X was typing on his communicator, before looking up at Stress.

"Joe is visiting family," he said. "It's just us."

"Okay," Stress said, making her way to Grian's bedside. "What happened?"

"He got really agitated and passed out. That's all Mumbo said. Something about Scar, but I didn't really catch it."

Stress took Grian's pulse and frowned. It was irregular, but not in an unhealthy kind of way. It was... as if he was awake. It beat normally, then sped up, as if he was running, then slowed down again. 

"That's weird," she murmured, then explained it to X.

At that moment, Grian groaned and cracked his eyes open. His pulse, instead of quickening, slowed.

"Xayla?" Grian croaked, his eyes focusing on Stress.

She frowned and opened her mouth to speak, but X caught her eye and shook his head.

"Your hair is different," Grian slurred. "Rebellious. Xelaph would get mad..."

"Drink this," Stress said, holding a potion to his lips. He drank.

"It tastes different... theres no chorus fruit," Grian murmured. Stress raised an eyebrow at this but didn't inquire.

"My back hurts. Can you look at it?" Grian said. Stress nodded.

"Turn over, honey." Grian obeyed and Stress pulled up his shirt.

She'd seen the wings when Grian first came, but this... Stress' heart broke when she looked at all the scars dotting and littering Grian's skin. She let out an audible gasp.

"Is it that bad?" Grian asked, his words unclear. "They used a brand today. It was really hot. Unlike Xelaph." He let out a giddy giggle.

Stress shot a horrified look at X. He had a similar expression on his face.

"Ouch!" Grian cried when Stress poked the huge broke rectangle carved into his back. 

"Sorry," Stress said. She noticed that many of the wounds were half healed, as if someone healed them but gave up part way there. Stress rubbed some medicine on them. She didn't know if they would work.

"'M kinda sleepy," Grian said, his eyelids drooping.

"Then sleep," Stress said. "It's fine."

"Really?" Grian asked, turning his head to meet Stress' eye. "But you always say if I fall asleep I might never wake up again. Remember?"

Had it been that serious? Stress stared into his cloudy brown eyes.

"It's fine this time," Stress decided to say.

Grian drifted off quickly.

"What did I just hear?" she asked X. 

He shook his head. "He's really confused. It's probably from a memory." X sank into a chair. "He... was not treated very well, apparently."

"You could say that again." Stress pulled Grian's shirt down and the blankets up.

"Should we ask Mumbo what happened exactly?" X asked, leading Stress back into the foyer.

Mumbo was in a chair, fiddling with his mustache. He sat up when he saw them approach.

"What happened? Is he alright?" Mumbo asked.

"He'll be fine," Stress assured him.

"What caused this in the first place?" X asked. Stress wasn't one to ask questions, but she couldn't help but be curious.

"Scar confronted Grian about him being a Watcher," Mumbo said. "And he was in this really cool Watcher form and had a panic attack, and he kept saying 'get them out'. And he just collapsed on me."

Stress nodded. X mulled it over. 

"We should probably tell you what we know about Grian," X said finally.

Mumbo looked intrigued. Stress had been there on the first day, so she knew part of it, but she didn't know all of it.

X took a deep breath.

pov Xisuma 

X leaned against the tree. Everybody was through, he could close it. He always lingered near the portal as everybody left, just to check.

All of a sudden, a figure appeared on the ground before him, hunched over and shaking. 

X reached out in surprise, his instincts to help but his learnt skills telling him to be careful. He ignored the training and put his hand on the persons shoulder, and they flinched. They were shrouded in a long black cloak.

They raised their head, and X leaped back.

Their eyes were purple.


I hope y'all liked this chapter, a little about Grian's past. Yeah it's the same every fanfic but whatever. Xisumas flashback will continue next chapter 

Do check out my one shot book and give me requests!! Also we're so close to 1k reads, it's insane.

Thanks for reading! Have a good day or night, wherever you are!


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