Chapter 20 (Still Grian)

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wc: 1121

tw: blood, violence, death

I feel so inactive after just a week bro, I think I'm going to start using my oneshot day to write this because im so excited eek!

ALSO I MADE A THING I gave up half way through so there aren't any details but you get the picture (see above)


Grian held his sword out in front of him, smirking. Impulse was holding one too, standing in front of him. The rest of the Southlanders were sat around them, drinking from water bottles.

"Go Impulse!" Martyn called.

"Go Grian!" Mumbo countered. 

Jimmy counted off for them. "3... 2... 1... GO!"

Impulse leapt forward. Grian parried his blow and ducked under the next attack, sweeping Impulse's legs out from under him. Impulse was up in a second, his sword flashing as he scrambled to regain his balance. They circled each other.

"C'mon, Impulse..." Grian said with a smirk.

Impulse flashed his signature smile, his teeth flashing. "Not this time, Grian."

Grian sighed and darted forward at the speed of light. Impulse prepared to parry, but Grian slid between his legs like they do in the movies and swung at Impulse's back. Impulse turned in the nick of time, catching the blade with his shield. Grian's stomach twisted when he realized the diamond was lodged firmly into the wood of the shield, scrambling to pull it out. Impulse smirked and swiped.

A flash of pain darted along Grian's arm. He immediately let go of the stuck sword to clamp his hand over the wound. He peeked under his wrist and felt his stomach drop at the sight of fuchsia  blood.

"Grian! Are you okay?" Mumbo's voice said somewhere behind him. Grian whipped around, his hand pressing tight on the bleeding flesh, wincing in pain. 

"I'm sorry, Grian!" Impulse exclaimed, reaching out. Martyn had run to try and find a bandage.

"I-I'm alright," Grian stammered. They all stared at him, and something inside of Grian snapped and he ran. He ran out of the malfunctioning doors and into the forest, weaving around tree trunks for who knows how long until he stopped, panting for breath.

Suddenly, a holographic screen popped up in front of Grian, startling him. 

You are not the boogeyman. 

Grian blinked. He'd almost forgotten about the current situation, besides the fact that his cover could have been blown by the injury. 

Right, the injury.

It wasn't that bad. Sure, there was some blood, but he'd had worse. 

Well, bad or not, he had to get back somehow and sneak a bandage. He cursed himself for being an idiot; he could have just kept covering it and play off the severity and could treat it himself. Now they were going to want to see it and then see the purple substance seeping from the cut.

He cursed himself again and then checked side to side. There wasn't much use in concealing his magic at this point, as the Watchers were literally right here, so...

There was a woosh, and a magical flame became alight in his hand. After a second, it morphed into a simple bandage roll, dropping lifeless onto his palm. Grian took it and wrapped it around his arm gratefully.

Grian trekked alone in the mountains, seeing other people work from afar. Coming across a nether portal, he decided to take his chances.

Flinching at the heat, Grian immediately regretted his decision to come. However, the withers' heads rattled on their bony bodies, reminding him that if he was lucky enough, he could be the most powerful one on the server.

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