Chapter 19 (Grian)

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I wrote this over like 3 days cause I kept going back to the YouTube videos to get the dialogue and where they went and in the end I didn't even use all of it wow

hope you enjoy!

Grian pushed aside the branches of a tree, spitting out a few leaves that had somehow flown into his mouth. After Bdubs had killed him, he'd found a scar across his back. It didn't hurt, it was just there to remind him.

The voices were also very quiet. As if they were satisfied he were here. After all, everything around them was marked with magic and Watcher signatures.

Grian had left soon after Bdubs' kill, so he was unsatisfied with his enchants and found himself making his way back. After a few minutes he heard voices, and stepped out from the branches.

Mumbo, Scar, Jimmy (or Timmy), Martyn, and Impulse were hanging around the enchanting table. Grian quickly did what he needed, conversed a little, then left with Mumbo and Scar.

I need to form some alliances, he thought as he eyed the two laughing happily. He'd thought of the Southlands while walking to the enchanting table. 

"The Southlands is recruiting," he told them. Scar chuckled and shook his head. 

"Mumbo, come to the North with me," he told the mustached man, spreading his arms wide as if he were a traveling salesman. "We have ALL the good."

Grian almost felt annoyed at Scar but saw the mischievous glint in his forest green eyes and smirked himself. "No, Mumbo, listen listen. How's this for an offer. I will give you..." he trailed off as he scanned his inventory, then selected the most valuable and amazing item you could get in the game. "one fish for your unwavering loyalty."

Mumbo made a strange wheezing sound as Scar's horse refused to walk through some branches. "You're trying to give fish to man who already has too many fish!" he said, throwing some salmon on the ground to prove his point.

"Are you..." Grian put on his best I-know-you-just-want-more-fish face, "sure you don't want one more fish?"

After a while of bartering over salmon, Grian pulled out his final offer.

"The Southlands have sugar cane," he said, holding out the green stalks. Mumbo's eyes widened.

"Sorry Scar, but uh, that's an offer I have to take," he said, shrugging at the green eyed man, who was busy tossing random items on the ground.

"Let's go, Mumbo," Grian said with a giggle, taking Mumbo with him through the trees as Scar called after them with fake desperation.

They decided to make one last trip to the enchanting table just in case and found Timmy, Martyn, and Impulse still there.



They spent the next 10 minutes doing absolutely nothing except look at each other through spyglasses and scream "AHA".


The members of the Southland had located a nice mountain and were building their towers when the shredding of vocal cords ensued.

"I'm just... sussing out where I want the towers to be," Grian said as he towered with his cobblestone.

"You could say that he's gone over a-f-aha-r," Martyn said with a smirk. They all burst into laughter, Grian almost falling off of his little tower.

Satisfied with the state he'd sent the others in, Martyn continued to literally kill them. "Don't you just hate that one character in Aladdin called jaf-aha-r?" 

This time Grian did fall off his tower, landing on top of Timmy, which just made everyone who'd kind of made their way back to their feet just fall over again as they hacked out their lungs in something the human race called "laughing".

"I'm going to have to go to voice therapy after this," Mumbo commented over his wheezes. "I'll only be able to speak in a-ha's!"

Martyn grinned, his white teeth flashing. "I had a driver class today, I got to drive a c-aha-r."

They exploded once more. 

"Even my laughs have turned to aha's!" Mumbo cried. "It's just a sequence of aha's!"

"Ahahahahaha," Grian said to emphasize his point.

"This's really going to raise the b-aha-r," Martyn continued, to which everybody's lives just exploded. Grian dragged himself to a crafting table and took out some wood.

"Martyn? Martyn?" he called, placing down a door and placing it down. "Why have you left this door aja-ha-r?" Martyn whacked the trunk of a tree with his fist with a wheeze.

"This is all getting very biz-aha-rre," Timmy exclaimed, causing Grian to emit a high pitched cackle.

After awhile, they'd all seemed to collect themselves as they sat in the shade of trees, wiping sweat from their foreheads.

"I feel sick from laughing," Martyn said, opening a water bottle. "I might b-aha-rf."

"STOP!" Grian exclaimed, covering his eyes with the back of his hand and sliding down to a lying down position in fake frustration as the others all cackled.

"The worst part is, you guys are all coming up with them," Mumbo said, discarding his suit jacket to the side. "I've just been here trying to come up with one."

Martyn stood and went over to a chest and checking the contents. "So obviously we're making bridges- sorry, just to get back on topic for a second- obviously we're making bridges between each of our bases but they should lead off of a p-aha-th."

"I CAN'T COPE WITH THIS!" Grian cried, collapsing once again onto the ground in a dramatic flair as the others began to wheeze for the twentieth time that day.

"I've got three hunger points," Martyn commented.

"I've got one," Timmy countered.

"I might st-aha-rve," Martyn said with a sulky expression.


When all of the AHA's had finally gotten old, the five sat in a little circle around the campfire.

"We should do, like, a little trust ritual," Grian suggested as the smell of roasting meat wafted around the camp.

"What do you mean?" Timmy asked as he stared at the fire.

"Like, we pass around a life around the circle, so that we know we can trust everyone," Grian explained.

They all agreed.

Mumbo put his hand on Timmy's sleeve and after a moment, Timmy's eyes glowed green for a second before fading away. They continued along, sometimes jokingly pretending to run away.

Grian shuddered as he felt the life seep into his veins, strengthening him. 

Suddenly, all of the voices came back.

Keep it.




Keep it.

Keep it.

Keep it.

Keep it!


Grian blinked. His friends were looking at him strangely. "You okay there?" Impulse asked.

"Y-yeah, sorry," Grian said, quickly passing the life along.

After Mumbo got his life back, Grian smiled a bit. "The Southlands will stand forever!" he declared boldly.

They all raised their spyglasses in union.


plus some fluff

I swear I lie in bed at night thinking about how this story ends and I remember that I haven't even written half of it-

thank you for reading! have a good day or night, wherever you are!

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