Chapter 4 (Grian)

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I changed the cover! What do you think? :D I drew it on paper then traced it and colored it with procreate since I can't draw digitally to save my life ಠ_ಠ. hope you like it <3

wc: idrk, cause when I added the authors note it went down 748 and when I deleted it to see what would happen it went up to 888. just cause I like the number, lets say wc is 888.

no trigger warning! just happiness and fluff :3

The months came and went. 

Season 7 was on its way, and X was finding a new world for them. It sometimes reminded Grian eerily of Evo, but he pushed that out of his mind.

But Grian knew the main reason X was changing worlds then. He'd noticed it too: strange generation glitches, little strange tweaks here and there, and just a general sense of fear and mystery that worried Grian immensely.

And it wasn't just that. Sometimes, while Grian was building or working, he would hear something, only to turn around and only find a single glowing purple magical ember. Or he'd be in front of the mirror, and see the edge of a black cloak swish around the corner.

Tensions were high in Hermitcraft, so X had made the ultimate decision to go on to season 7. Grian was grateful; any attempts to get into Hermitcraft and any holes made in the code would be patched up because the barrier would be reset.

About a week before the jump to Season 7, X called a server meeting.

<Xisuma> Server meeting in 10!

<ZombieCleo> Omw with joe

<Stressmonster101> coming :D

Goodtimewithscar drowned

<TangoTek> LOL

<Grian> what happened?

<Goodtimewithscar> I was too busy texting I didn't realize I was drowning

<Goodtimewithscar> :P

<MumboJumbo> thats a new one

<Xisuma> Just be there please

Grian smiled, shoving his communicator  back into his pocket. Hermitcraft was so chaotic and dysfunctional, and he loved every second of it.

A small clang echoed from above Grian's head. He whipped it back to look upwards, and felt the hairs on the back of his neck prick up.

The lantern he'd placed a few minutes before was now a soul lantern. He was certain that he'd placed a normal one, and when Grian checked his inventory, the lanterns in it were amber, not blue.

Not wanting to be alone, Grian ran out the door and used his rockets to propel himself towards the server meeting.


Xisuma cleared his throat at the front of the small meeting area they had set up. Grian stopped his chat with Mumbo and Iskall and turned to look at the admin.

"The hop from Season 6 to Season 7 is in a few days," he announced, earning some clapping and cheering.

"There are several reasons why," X continued. "First, this has been one of the longest seasons so far, and I think it's high time that we wrap things up and move on. Second, there have been some... glitches going on that I think you guys have been noticing. also the author realized that half of her plot would have to be in season 7 and that she knew a lot more about it than season 6."

There was a general murmur of consent around the room. Fear twisted Grian's stomach for a split second. When Mumbo tapped his hand, Grian nearly jumped a foot into the air.

"Are you alright?" Mumbo whispered to him.

Grian nodded. "The glitches were just kind of freaky," he whispered back, trying to act casual. "I'm glad we're moving."

When the meeting was over, Grian headed back to the Futuristic District with Mumbo and Scar.

"I always forget something when we jump!" Scar groaned.  

"We don't bring anything with us when we go through the portal," Mumbo said, clearly confused.

"Last time I forgot my communicator," Scar countered.

"Aren't our communicators... strapped to our wrists?" Mumbo asked, holding out his arm.

"Don't tell me you shower with your communicator on!" Scar gasped. "That would damage the redstone!"

"Scar, we jumped one in the afternoon. Why were you taking a shower?"

"I wasn't," Scar replied. "I took a shower the night before, but I forgot to put it back o- Oh forget it!"

Grian snickered, and Scar gave him a pouty look.

A thought occurred to Grian, and he tapped on Mumbo's shoulder. The taller hermit turned to look at Grian.

"Can I talk to you when we get back?" Grian muttered under his breath. Mumbo nodded without asking any questions, which Grian was grateful for.

"Hey, whatcha whispering about?" Scar asked, leaning in closer. Grian laughed and shook his head. Mumbo stuttered for a bit, but settled on silence.

Once the group was back in the futuristic district, Grian and Mumbo said goodbye to Scar and flew over to Mumbo's sphere together. 

"What?" Mumbo asked once they had landed.

"When we go through the portal, I may... not be in my current form," Grian said hesitantly. "So I may need a cover. Of some kind. I don't know."

"What did you do when you first got here?" Mumbo asked.

Grian whacked him on the arm. "It was only X and Stress, you spoon. Do you not remember anything?"

"OHH yeah," said Mumbo after a moment.

Grian shook his head amusedly. "But you should do something weird and spoony, like you usually do. Just give me a moment to switch forms."

"...Okay," Mumbo said hesitantly.

With a smile and wave, Grian leapt off towards his base again. "Thank you!!" he shouted over his shoulder. Mumbo's reply was lost to the wind.

The server jump was both good and bad for Grian. When the player went through, their code was essentially reset. Stats were set back to 0, inventories were wiped, etc. However, Grian knew that this included his glamor, which he'd need if he went with the others as a group.

Hopefully Mumbo could come up with something stupid enough that it would actually be smart.

thats all I have for today. I spent most of my free time trying to do smth with the cover, and im pretty satisfied with how it came out. 

Kind of a filler chapter, since I needed the jump to season 7 for stuff like third/last life, and eventually moon big.

tysm for reading! have a nice day or night, wherever you are <3


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