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It comes to an end, as all things do.

Somehow, inexplicably, miraculously, the hermits move on. Mumbo no longer sleeps with his face buried in a tear-stained red jumper, and Scar no longer stares forlornly at a pet parrot that stands preening on his arm. Xisuma no longer wakes up shaking from nightmares of the hermits lying dead and eventually, the mourning comes to an end.

A small building stands in the middle of the shopping district. It doesn't have a back, and it's small, but every hermit has contributed. There's a small statue of a pair of wings, courtesy of Cleo, and the portrait Scar had drawn has been carefully framed. Bundles of flowers and candles lie at the foot of the sculpture, and a familiar dark cloak is draped across a small bench.

The grief does not leave, of course.

Grian sits somewhere at the end of the world with a pair of huge, white wings and a shining, radiant grin that not only rivals the sun, but is the sun. By his side is none other than the moon, serene and peaceful. And like before, he Watches. The hermits sometimes feel his Gaze.

It's like this that the curtains close on the hermits, with their healing hearts and magnificent, sprawling metropolis. Sometimes they will dream of a field and a slight man in a large jumper and huge, huge wings, and when they wake up, they will smile.

He turns his Gaze elsewhere towards the growing kingdom that is the land of the Watchers.

There are people milling the streets, holding baskets of fruit and chattering loudly as they explore newly built markets and restaurants. While not everyone has forgone the porcelain mask, the number of uncovered faces and sparkling eyes has increased drastically.

In the center of it all stands the new Leader. Xayla stands proud at the end of a table, talking amicably with an admin. A paper is slid across the surface of the table, and at the top it reads: Alliance. Soldiers fly home, and around the world, towns celebrate their newfound freedom.

There are commemorating statues and monuments everywhere, all bearing the name Grian. There is one in the center of the capitol, and there is a small sign that reads:

Grian: The First Step to Change.

~The First Step~ a Hermitcraft AUWhere stories live. Discover now