Chapter 59

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wc: 1998

tws at end of chapter

While Xisuma had been nervous while waiting to attack, this was a whole different story.

Grian was right, X thought frantically to himself as he ducked a punch. I haven't fought for my life- I overestimated myself-

X was scared. More than that- a deep pit opened in his stomach, and it seemed to yawn deeper and wider everytime a guard lunged at him, white masks covering expressionless faces and wide wings lurching them forward to- well- kill him.

An involuntary woah escaped X's mouth as he spun just in time to avoid a blast of purple flame, gulping as the heat passed by his face. That could have killed me, X realized with another drop in his gut- no time to dwell on it, though, as another blow came flying from a Watcher. Xisuma dodged to the side, seized the man's wrist, and drove his elbow into the Watcher's neck, once- twice- three times- probably overkill, but Xisuma was desperate. The Watcher dropped back with a sputtering gasp, and X flung himself on top to pin down the man's limbs, raising a hand and jabbing it into his neck.

Xisuma stayed there, hand raised, heaving labored breaths- please go to sleep, please- and sighed in relief when the Watcher stopped moving completely.

"X, look out!"

Instinctively, X ducked, rolling off of the man and pressing close to the ground. And just in time, too- X's stomach swooped as False went flying over his head, legs outstretched to knock a Watcher to the ground. A blast of violet flame shot askew, into an empty corner, and X distantly realized that if False hadn't come, it would have ended up hitting him. All he could hear was the fighting- clashing of metal, firing of the sugar blasters, the shouts and grunts, the screams, the fear-

"Come on, get up, there's more!" False said, a note of panic in her voice, and X blinked to realize she was in front of him, tugging his wrist with a frantic look in her eye. Her blonde hair was falling out of its ponytail and her other hand clutched the handle of her sword like a lifeline, ignoring how blood ran down the edge and onto her fist. X opened his mouth, looked over her shoulder, and screamed.

"Get down!" he sputtered, grabbing her shoulder and pulling down. A spear, purple sparks dancing on its blade, punctured the air right where False's head had been. Without a second thought, X launched himself over False and grabbed the spear, whirling it and bringing it down into the Watcher's chest.

"Thanks, X!" False yelled as she darted back into the bray. X watched her go, a bit dumbstruck as he took in the scene. Listeners and Watchers traded blows, sparks flying and balls of light striking walls and people alike. From the vents, X watched an arrow fly, sticking itself right into the unprotected neck of an unsuspecting Watcher. X's eyes widened as the man dropped to his knees, clawing at the blood spurting from the arrow sticking out of him like a pin in a pincushion.

X turned to look down at the man behind him, the one he'd killed to save False- except, he wasn't quite dead yet, was he? The Watcher's eyes were still covered by the darned mask, but X could feel the desperation in the way his hands twitched around the shaft of the spear, drenched with blood.

The sounds roared in X's ears. This was war.

He'd been standing shock still for too long now, though- a weight slammed into X's side, and a shocked noise pulled itself from his throat as his vision blurred and the world tilted.

X flung out his hands, pushing and kicking, desperation lining each hit, and as he looked up, all he saw was purple violet purple fire-

With stuttering breaths, X braced himself to die.

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