Chapter 8 (Scar)

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tw: a mention of a singular drop of blood

wc: 800 (how nice)


Scar shook his head at the sight of the mustache that Larry the snail now sported. Oh, Grian, he thought, not at all upset.

Besides, he could use the coal. Popping one in a furnace, Scar decided to try to get a Jellie. He called up Grian and the two met at Scar's base in progress. 

"Oh Jellieeeee!" Scar called, waving salmon in the air.

Grian giggled. "You're going to scare them all away," he said. 

"Well you try!" Scar argued, his signature smirk playing on his lips. "Aren't you the cat whisperer or something?"

Grian smirked as well.

"Wait here," he told Scar. The wizard nodded somewhat defiantly, picking at the fish. Grian disappeared into the trees.

After a little bit of waiting, Scar was surprised to see Grian walking back, a Jellie walking behind him. Scar smelled a whiff of something... magic residue.


However, plenty of Hermitcraft members had forms of magic, and Scar didn't want to pry. As long as Grian wasn't one of them, it was fine.

Shaking it off, Scar gasped, reaching towards the Jellie. "Oh no! Did you tame her?"

"I had to get her to follow me!" Grian replied. 

"It's fine, we can breed her with another cat," Scar said, waving his hand. The wizard chatted excitedly with Grian as they made their way back, Jellie snuggled in Grian's arms.

"Alright moment of truth..." Grian said as Scar fed his cat then Grian's some fish. 

The two kitties did some very natural actions, and in a moment, a baby Jellie sat on the ground in front of them. 

"AWWWW," the two cooed at the sight of the adorable little kitten. However, when Scar reached for it, it ran away from him.

"Wait... I think it's mine!" Grian said with a snort. He reached out, and the cat climbed happily into his hands.

"OH come on!" Scar cried as Grian cracked up. 

"Wait a second," Grian said, placing down an anvil. He removed the name tag and placed it on the baby Jellie's collar, and Scar leaned in for a closer look.

"Gellie?!" Scar cried, resulting in Grian rolling on the ground with laughter. 

A half hour later, Scar finally had his Jellie. Grian sat in the midst of about 8 kajillion baby kitties, all mewing for his attention.

"I feel like a poor person," Scar commented, watching as Grian playfully nudged one. "Like you're basking amidst your wealth, and I'm here with like ONE CAT."

"You get what you get!" Grian said. "Come along, children!" He set off back towards his hobbit hole.

"Goodbyeee!" Scar called after him.

Scar thought back to earlier as he scooped the new kitten into his arms, bringing her inside Larry the snail. As long as Grian wasn't one of them.

He caught the reflection of his face on the mirror above a sink. The scar that gave him his name ran through one eye. It was a miracle he hadn't ended up like Iskall or Doc. They'd often complained about their one eye losing battery or malfunctioning or whatnot and having to fly home and crash into trees because their depth perception was off.

Scar used a finger to trace the edge of the twisted skin. Everybody had just accepted it, and scars weren't uncommon on the Hermitcraft server. Yet he always felt a little self-conscious, just a little bit worried that somebody would stare or ask or judge.

"Stupid Watchers," he muttered to himself. He fingered the pouch on his waist. The assuring weight of the sugar inside was what kept him anchored. It provided safety, or at least an escape route, if he ever encountered one of them again.

He pushed away all of the memories and negative thoughts and cuddled with Jellie instead. He didn't have to dwell on the past. Scar just needed to keep looking forward. Step forward. 

And with that, Scar ended his day.

aaaaand thats the chap-


Scar awoke to the sounds of a door getting chopped down, and somebody hissing in slight pain a little bit, presumably from a wood splinter.

He blinked his eyes open to see the door get pulled from its frame. He swore that he saw a red sweater sleeve, but when he blinked again, there was no sign of anything- except for a missing door.

Halfheartedly, Scar hoisted himself out of bed to see if he could catch sight of anybody, but the culprit had already gone. Scar smirked to himself and went to replace the door.

As his hand neared the door frame, Scar blinked. On it was a purple drop. It could have been anything- dye, potion, soup, but Scar knew what this was. He'd seen it one too many times.

Watcher blood.

Scar didn't know how he should feel. He was happy that there was a Watcher bleeding somewhere. But that meant a Watcher had been there and stolen his door (why would a watcher want a door of all things???? Even Scar couldn't comprehend that).

Now, who could that possibly be?

things are about to get heated *rubs hands together*

thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, pls vote and comment :3

have a good day or night, wherever you are!


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