Chapter 6 (Grian)

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Tw: don't think there's any

Panic and anxiety flooded Grian's veins. Cub lay under the tree where Grian had left him. He quickly walked away, trying to wrap his head around the situation

Seeing Xayla overjoyed him. The one person who had helped him while... actually, maybe it was better if he didn't think about her.

But what she said had left an imprint on his mind. They were trying to get in and ruin everything he had. Grian knew why, of course, but why now? At the peak of his happiness? The universe was just out to get him.

He knew that Cub wouldn't be out for long. Not wanting to make any noise, he stayed in his Watcher form and flew away on swift wings. Not many were able to rival his talent in the air, whether with elytra or back in...

Never mind.

Grian wondered if he should talk to anybody. He didn't want to alarm Mumbo, so that only left Xisuma and Stress, although the latter had never really been filled in about what exactly happened to Grian.

<Grian> You whisper to Xisumavoid: hey can I come over?

<Xisumavoid> Xisumavoid whispers to you: of course!

With a quick beat of his wings, Grian was gone.

time skip

Grian left X's base feeling a lot more at peace. X had that way of talking to people, and had reassured Grian that he would monitor the code barrier.

He glanced at his communicator. The time read that it was almost 3 AM. The server jump was at 10 AM. He could take a nap, but Grian was always a horrible sleeper. 

Instead, he attempted to organize his chest monster, gave up, and went around his base taking a few photos just to remember. Grian went over to Mumbo's, who said that he had a plan to conceal Grian's Watcher form for those first few seconds.

Grian decided to trust him. There wasn't much he could do, as Mumbo insisted that it would be better and more realistic if he used the element of surprise. 

When it was 9:30, all of the hermits gathered with nothing on them except for perhaps a Jellie. X talked to the hermits, bid them a good server jump, and hopped through to make sure everything was fine on the other side.

At 9:55, X sent them a message.

<Xisumavoid> Everything's good, come on through!

One by one, all of the hermits went through. Mumbo gave Grian a look, then went through. After a little bit, so did Grian.

He found himself in a dirt box and involuntarily let out a "What the f***?", leading to a chorus of giggles and chuckles on the other side. Grian quickly hid his wings and Watcher uniform with glamor and pushed some dirt out of his face.

"Seriously?" he said grumpily. Mumbo shrugged. 

When the hermits had all split up, Grian gave Mumbo a thank you look. Mumbo gave him a lopsided grin. No problem.

After a bit, Grian had chosen to settle in the jungle, close to Mumbo and Scar. The two were his closest friends, and he felt safer around them, especially Mumbo. 

Grian pulled his first prank on Scar, howling with laughter as the now a wizard attempted and failed to fight zombies.

One random morning, Grian was collecting dirt for a layout of the mansion he was planning. Just thinking about the materials required gave him a headache, but the instinct to build was too much.

Blinking drowsily from lack of sleep, Grian stepped in front of the mirror, running a hand through ruffled hair. Something caught his eye, and he took a double take. Leaning in close to the mirror, his eyes squinted, then widened.

His hair...

The roots were black.

What in the world?

A memory of a sea of black and white heads.

Hushed talking.


Somewhere, an ember of hope, pulsing lightly...

Grian blinked, and the memories went away. His eyes flickered purple.

Slowly but surely, it was going to happen. He didn't think he could keep it away for long.

It wasn't coming for him, something as small as black hair could tell him that.

Thanks for reading <3! Pls vote and comment if you liked it.

Have a good day or night wherever you are!


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