Arc 1 Chap 2 : Class B

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I Disliked The Entrance Ceremony and Imagined Many First Years Felt The Same. The Principal and the Students Exchanged Excessive Words of gratitude, There Was Far too mush Time Spent Standing in Lines, And With So many irritating Things to Deal With, It All felt Like A Huge Pain in The Butt. But Those Weren't Only My Complaints. The Entrance Ceremonies For Elementary, Junior High And High School All Meant The Same Thing: The Start of another major Trial For Children. In order for them to enjoy their School Life, They Have To Make Friends, Failing in doing so signals The Beginning Of a Rather Tragic 3 Years.

After the ceremony, I made my way to my classroom after bidding farewell to Ichinose as she went to speak with other students in the Gymnasium.

I looked up to read the nameplate '1-B Class' So this is where I'll be spending the rest of the school year, huh?

Alright, how should I do this ? Should I burst into the class with energy and instantly go chat with someone ? Or should I pass a sheet of paper with my e-mail on it? Should I remain seated and wait for someone to approach me? My only option is the third, but can I expect to be approached?

" Are You a Student Of This Class ? " As i Was Agonizing Over What to do , A Boy Came Behind me And Asked

" Ah, yes, what about you ? "

" Seems Like We'll Be Classmates , Im Kanzaki Ryuuji Pleasure To Meet You " He Raised His Hand For a Handshake , He Has A Violet-bluish Hair With Golden Sharp Eyes

" Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, nice to meet you too, Kanzaki." I said as I accepted his handshake.

" Say Ayanokouji, why were you standing in front of the door and doing nothing ? "

" I was just nervous about meeting my classmates."

He laughed a little before putting his hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to be nervous, Ayanokouji. Besides, the entrance ceremony just ended, so I'm Sure We Are The First Ones To Arrive. "

He Went And Opened The Door To See an Empty Classroom

" I Guess You Are Right " Then We Both Made Our Way To Our Respective Desks, My Desk Had A Nameplate With My Name Over It , And It Was On The Back Of The Room Beside The Window, It Was A Good Seat, Since I'll Be Able To Watch And Observe The Whole Class Easily Without Being conspicuous About it.

Then Kanzaki went and sat on the seat right in front of me. It seems like we are neighbors.

" Seems Like We Are Seatmates Ayanokouji, My Back is in Your Care " He Said While Sitting And Turning Towards Me

We chatted about some irrelevant things. While the classroom started slowly flooding with people, they were all busy revising their study materials or chatting with their friends. Since I'm talking with Kanzaki right now, does that make him my friend ?

As I was thinking about it, a group of girls entered the classroom. I noticed Ichinose was among them. She's already made that many friends, huh ?

She Started Scanning The Room Until Her Eyes Landed On Mine, She Then Started Walking Towards Me, what could she possibly want from me ? Will She Ask For My Email Or Contact Info ? Or Would She Ask me To Help Find Her Desk ? Or perhaps an invitation ?

As these Thoughts Came To My Head, She Then Went And Sat On The Seat Next To Mine. Oh

" What a coincidence, Ayanokouji-kun. It seems like we are seatmates ! Let's try to get along well. " She said, with her usual bright smile.

" Likewise." I said, while replying with a smile of my own.

"Do you know her ?" Said Kanzaki still half-turned to face me.

Kiyotaka Of Class B ( Year 1 )Where stories live. Discover now