Arc 9 Chap 3 : The Favor

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3rd POV

Inside of the local library of the Advanced Nurturing High school, A Lone student revealed to be our Protagonist Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, Was making his way towards the unpopular side of the Library

It was currently Lunch Break, And almost everybody is grouping up to hit the cafeteria together and making new friends since they are undergoing a harsh exam where the size of your social circle is the most important factor. As a result, The Library was more emptier than usual, Making it the perfect place for the secret meeting

Upon arriving at the spot, He spotted three figures, The first one was his friend and book buddy Shiina Hiyori which was also the caller for this meeting. The second person was a green haired delinquent looking boy who goes by the name of Ishizaki Daichi, And the third was a tall well-built half-Japanese man with sunglasses which was none other than Yamada Albert

Kiyo was surprised by this sudden company, At least for Albert. Normally he would be extra vigilant especially when two of Ryueen's strongest henchmen were present and they could start a fight with him. However, The expressions on their faces didn't show any hint of that, They looked somewhat depressed as they waited for him in the silence. So he decided to approach them casually

Kiyo POV

" Sorry to keep you waiting " At my voice, All three of them instinctively perked up and looked at my direction, I rose my hand as a greeting.

" Don't be Kiyotaka-kun " Hiyori shook her head before bitterly smiling " It should be us who should apologize for abruptly calling you out of nowhere and taking your time "

" Nah it's cool " I shrugged before taking the free seat in front of the three and facing them all " So, What is it that you wanted to talk with me about ? "

All three of them nervously looked at each other before Hiyori nodded, Deciding to speak herself, She faced me again and opened her mouth

" Kiyotaka-kun, I called you here to make a deal with you "

" A deal ? " Hiyori nodded. I shifted my posture on the seat and leaned forward " I'm listening, Go ahead "

" I believe that you already know about the situation in our Class Right ? "

" I believe so " I nodded. Before adding " You mean the situation with Ryueen and Tokito Right ? "

" Yes " Hiyori nodded. Before suddenly lowering her head, Seemingly nervous " Before i state my deal. There is something i'd like to confess "

" Hmm ? " I rose an eyebrow. Hiyori sat silently contemplating over how to phrase her confession. She was about to speak when suddenly Ishizaki shot up, I unconsciously raised my guard to a maximum and put a fighting stance, However, He bowed

" I'm sorry Ayanokouji-san " His sudden apology made me somewhat confused. However, I quickly pulled my hands down and stared at him

" Why are you apologizing Ishizaki ? "

" I cannot let Shiina-san do this, It's my guilt after all "

" Guilt ? What did you do ? " Ishizaki rose himself a bit and glanced at me, His expression was a mix of sadness and regret.

" You see.... This morning, I happened to spot you talking with Ryueen-san on my way towards School " Ishizaki continued. " Normally, I would just brush it off. But when i saw Ryueen-san laughing and smirking, And acting the way he usually does before this exam. I got curious and decided to eavesdrop on you. I'm so sorry Ayanokouji-san "

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