Arc 11 Chap 4 : Strategy

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Honami POV

I opened my eyes to find myself sitting in the middle of the Class, Looking towards the podium where Chie-sensei was lecturing us. All of my Classmates were listening attentively to her, I glanced towards my left where Kiyotaka was and he had his usual bored expression during Classes. I unconsciously smiled while admiring him for a while, Until the bell rang

Chie-sensei strolled out of the Class leaving us all behind, I crouched grabbing my bag to hand Kiyo his lunch box. When it was within reach i pulled it up

" Here Kiy- " I lifted the box towards the empty desk on my left. " Huh ? "

I stared at the empty seat confusingly, Trying to figure out what happened. I drew my eyes and scanned my surroundings. However, I got surprised and confused even more

Where did everyone go ?

I was sitting alone, Confused inside the empty Class that was packed by students just a moment ago, A Deafening silence erupted.

However, In the middle of my confusion. I felt my intuition acting up and drawing me towards the Door, Where i obediently followed and met with a shocking sight that i would never forget in my entire life

" Kiyotaka-sama~ Would you like to try my food~? " Chie-sensei was clinging into Kiyotaka's right arm with only her underwear on, She put a sausage between her Breasts and asked Kiyo. Who........ Bent forward and ate it......

" That's so unfair Chie-sensei~! " Mako-chan who also was on her underwear and clinging into Kiyotaka's other arm yelled, She grabbed some pies and put it closer to her Breasts. " Kiyotaka-sama~ Please try mine as well~ "

" Ara~ Don't take him all for yourselves ladies~ " That voice belongs to Kiryuiin-senpai who drenched her naked body with syrup " Oh my~ I'm so clumsy~ Would you please be a dear and clean me up Kouhai-kun~ ? "

Kiyotaka nodded and grabbed a pie from Mako-chan's tray and approached the Drenched Kiryuiin-senpai and started licking the syrup on her body.

" W-W-W-W-W-What is going on ?!!!!! " I yelled pretty loudly, Drawing everyone's attention. Kiyotaka stopped licking and turned to face me " K-Kiyotaka ! What are you doing ?!!! "

" Oh Hello Honami. " I was trembling, I was stammering, I was feeling immense despair. But Kiyotaka responded apathetically, Staring at me like i was an uninteresting object " I'm just cleaning up Fuka. Is there something wrong ? "

" Y-Yes there is ! " I Yelled again. Kiyotaka narrowed his eyes " W-Why are you licking her ?!!!! "

" Why not ? You're not my girlfriend are you ? "

" WHAT ?! " I blurted out, Falling to my knees.

" Why do you look so surprised ? " I unconsciously drew my trembling face towards Kiyotaka, Tears started dropping down.

" Why... No.... Kiyo What.... " I couldn't find the correct words, My body trembling almost like i got hit by a teaser. My despair was just too much for me to handle

" Maybe if you were more assertive you could've have kept me from changing my plans " I was absentmindedly staring at the sky. Despite my inability to move or speak i can clearly hear his calm words. " Maybe if you were more territorial you could've prevented other women from trying to seduce me. I guess it's too late now "

More assertive..... More territorial.... ?

Did he throw me away...... Because i wasn't careful enough ?

Kiyotaka Of Class B ( Year 1 )Where stories live. Discover now