Arc 2 Chap 4 : The Flying flipped Tables

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The door to the student council opened, And the Fancy interior welcomes us.

U Shaped table in the middle, While 2 Sofas bid against each other on the opposing walls, The plants on each corner and a wide black board.

As we entered the room, A Pleasant Air welcomed us, It was cool. Due to the air conditioner.

" You may sit there "

The black haired boy on top of the table gestured for us to sit, We Gracefully complied and sat, I sat on the middle between Shibata and Amikura, Chie-sensei stood behind Shibata, A Nervous smile on her face.

" You may make use of the facilities here until the other party arrives " Said Manabu, He turned his gaze towards Honami who stood close to the door " You are aware that you wouldn't be able to participate, Right Ichinose ? "

" Yes President, They would speak. I would like to observe if that's not a problem " She looked at us with a warm smile. Me and Amikura gave her a thumbs up.

Manabu nodded and took a sip from his tea that was prepared by a Purple Haired Tachibana next to him.

We waited for over 15 Minutes, When we thought that they wouldn't come a knock came from the door. Honami grabbed the door's handle and opened it. The next thing we saw is The door got yanked Open with such a speed.

Emerging from the door is a Shoulder length Cyan Haired Boy, He looked quite frustrated. He gave us a disgusted look before sitting on the opposite chair of Amikura.

Sakagami-sensei Emerged after him, He  glared at us before he went and sat on the chair, Tailing behind him is a boy who was walking using sticks. Who i believe is Yajima Mariko.

He glared at us with anger, Specially Shibata, Who looked down down in guilt, I patted his shoulder which resulted in him regaining some energy. Honami clearly bothered by the scene, Closed the door and stared back, I gave her a nod which she smiled with a light blush.

" Class 1-C's Party led by Ibuki Mio and Class 1-A's Party led by Amikura Mako have both arrived. Hence i officially declare the start of the Trial " Mio ? I looked back at the boy who glared back at me. Is he ..... She is a girl ? Well, Looks do tend to lie sometimes ( sorry Ibuki fans, I honestly thought she was a boy at first when i saw her in the anime )

Tachibana took a paper board and started reading

" And now i'll proceed with Class C's Statement " She continued " Yajime-kun was on soccer practice when he received the ball, And Due to his competition with Shibata-kun for a place in the main team, Shibata-kun tackled and injured him on purpose. He also said that he Threatened him when they were on the changing room. Is this true Class C ? " The Class C Bunch nodded.

" And now with Shibata-kun's statement " She flipped a paper and continued " On soccer Practice, One of the enemy players passed the ball to Yajime-kun. However, Shibata-kun was close to the line of the ball so he tackled trying to cut the ball, But Yajime-kun ended up running towards the ball and hit him instead, Is this True Shibata-kun ? ? " Shibata nodded, Tachibana handed Manabu the paper clip and stood behind.

" Let the discussion begins " Said Manabu, And Instantly Yajime Raised His voice.

" What's the meaning of this Shibata ? Why would you start spouting non sense ? " Said Yajime

" I'm not lying Yajime-kun, I injured you by accident, I Apologized but you took it to the student council and made a big deal out of it " Said Shibata calmly, He acted like an adult.

" Tsk. Nonsense " Barked Yajime " You threatened me and now you're telling me it's an accident ? We were the last one to leave the changing room, Are you going to deny that ? "

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