Arc 11 Chap 5 : Preparations

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Kiyo POV

The First given week of the Preparations for the Event Selection exam is almost at it's end, With only one Event separating us from the Weekends

" Are you guys sure~? " Chie-sensei asked, While looking through a piece of paper in her hands " Once you submit those, There is no way you could retract them back, Even with the use of Private Points~ "

" Yes Sensei, We are sure~ " Honami who was standing in front of her nodded in confirmation " Those are the events all of us worked on and came up with~ We completely understand that we cannot take it back, But our decision is Final~ "

Chie-sensei shifted her eyes from the Paper to Honami before smiling brightly at her and nodding, She picked up the paper and excused herself to the Faculty Office to submit our events. Honami slowly made her way back towards her seat with her usual confident aura behind her

Today is the evening of Friday, Exactly 1 week away from the event selection exam. All 42 Students of my Class were present for the Revelation of our Opponent's events

During this past week, All of my Classmates have been working their butt off in preparations for the exam, Whether it was publicly of secretly. The peer pressure of the title 'Year end exam' has been doing wonders in them, Even the usually quite students has been more proactive

Honami, Kanzaki and Yousuke were working the hardest out of everyone, Organizing everyone's thoughts and discussing new ideas while trying to come up with new plans and tricks. I was once again reminded of how strong this Class's bonds are and how deep their trust is. From a utilitarian standpoint, It was very fascinating seeing everyone work like that

During this period, I have been doing nothing but be a pillar of support to Honami and advice some people who sought my help. Kouenji was pretty much the same too, Except for the supporting part. However, He has been a big help nevertheless

Honami didn't take any events from the both of us but instead preserved us, Since we are guaranteed to bring a victory on almost any event she decided to use us in Class C's events, Which is wise.

Although i'm only narrating our Class's situation, Our two other competitors has been actively preparing too. Some Reports from our Class's club members that people were even practicing after Club hours, The Gyms were more packed and spying was everywhere. As much as we were excited about this, The other Classes were as much

Of course, This goes without saying that only Class D was the only one that was in shambles just as the exam got announced. Shinohara Satsuki, Who is better referred to as the victim of this exam stopped coming to School right on the next day she got randomly selected into. Needless to say, Her Classmates were as indifferent as they can get and they would get.

Their Class most definitely didn't select any events to submit, Just like how they didn't select a commander. Class B would have an even easier time than they actually have, And their winning percentage surpassed the 300%

Coming back to our Class, After all the push and pull we came up with 10 events, All within our strengths and well described, Giving then all an equal chances of being selected. Which would make it almost impossible for Class C to deduce our real 5 out of the 10 without any leaks. Our list goes as follows

Math Test : 10 Contestants

Science Test : 9 Contestants

Japanese Test : 8 Contestants

Social Studies Test : 7 Contestants

English Test : 6 Contestants ( Bait )

Football Match : 5 Contestants ( Bait )

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