Arc 6 Special Chapter : What have you done to me ?

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It was the 20th of October.

This day has been nothing out of the ordinary, Just a normal school day. However, It was my birthday

To be completely honest, If it wasn't for me to hear that Ryueen's Birthday is also today. I wouldn't have noticed

My birthday was just another day of existence, That's how i thought before.

However, It is common to celebrate your birthday with the people close to you, It is also common to gift them something due to this special day.

That's why i gave Honami the necklace during her birthday, Since that day she wore it almost everyday, I can tell that she loved it from the bottom of her heart. Seems like Internet-sensei was Right

The bell rang, Signalling the end of the week and the start of the weekends. All of my friends including me gathered around to head for our destination

We planned to go to an Amusement park, It was an Idea Honami proposed, Shibata and Amikura instantly agreed. Meanwhile, I was googling it. As the name states, It is a place where you have fun, There are multiple games and other fun activities.

It was mentioned that it is recommended to go with a group of friends, From 6 people or more. I guess we fit the bill as there is 10 of us.

They were very excited, So excited that all of them ignored me. I felt kinda sad watching them from behind engaging in a very enthusiastic chatter, However, Kanzaki was on the same boat

" They look very happy don't you think ? " Kanzaki issued a conversation. I nodded while staring at them

" I am surprised that you got sidelined too " I marked. Kanzaki chuckled

" I didn't. I just saw that you were alone with your lonesome and decided to keep you accompany " I see

" Well, You didn't have to but Thanks i guess ? "

However, During all the enthusiasm i noticed some hidden communication between the 8 of them, Most noticeably Honami, Shibata and Amikura. Soon, Honami turned towards me with a mischievous smirk

" Why are you guys hanging in the back~? Come join us~ " Honami happily invited. Both of us increased our pace and joined them. Honami moved closer to me and walked beside my arm.

" Man, It's been a while since the last time i visited an Amusement Park. It was about... 4 Years ? " Shibata contemplated. " Yeah that sounds right. What about you guys ? "

" Just last year, I went with my family there " Exclaimed Shiranami. " Although i didn't get to play a lot, But it was pretty fun regardless ! "

" I feel you Chihiro-chan. I also visited it last year and didn't get to play a lot " Said Ando, With a bit of sadness.

" Hehe~ What a bunch of fools " That statement came from Amikura. " Imagine not playing a lot when you go to an Amusement park. Truly pitiful "

" Mako-chan. That's not nice " Scolded Shibata. Amikura just looked at him, Before facing us again

" I guess i'm just that lucky huh ? Last time i went there i played to my heart's content~ It's too bad that for you guys~ " Smirked Amikura, Everyone glared at her but her smirk didn't waver. Suddenly, She turned and faced me " What about you Ayanokouji-kun~? "

When she suddenly called out to me, All of them turned towards me with interest. Except Honami who looked at me in Sadness, I guess she already knows my answer

" Actually. This would be my first time going to an amusement park " At my statement, Most of them widened their eyes.

" You never visited it Ayanokouji-kun ? " Kobashi probed, I shook my head. " Not even once ? " I shook my head again. She realized that i wasn't lying, Everyone felt the same.

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