Arc 8 Chap 6 : The Attack

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Honami POV

The bell Rang, Signalling the start of the Lunchie~ Munchie~!

If you didn't know, It stands for 'Lunch Break' But i named it that way for multiple reasons.

1. It's boring

2. I get to spend time with my Kiyotaka

3. I get to eat with my Kiyotaka

4. I get to chat with my Kiyotaka.... +99 Others

I also did it for the off-chance that i get to eat Kiyotaka for lunch. However, We can't do that today

Since today is the day of the Quiz, All of my Classmates decided to hold a quick study group during lunch break inside this amphitheater room. Since almost everyone leaves during lunch break, I thought it was the best place to do it

It was optional, But all of my Classmates decided to attend. Currently, Only me and Kiyotaka are sitting on the back rows, Waiting for our Classmates to arrive from the cafeteria

" This week has been tough huh ? " I crossed my arms on top of the desk and rested my head on top of it, Looking towards Kiyotaka. He faced me with his golden mesmerizing eyes, Making my body get hotter.

" It has " Kiyotaka answered. Before extending his hand to poke my cheeks " But it's gonna pass, Just like any other obstacles we faced "

Kiyotaka traced his fingers down to my lips and gently caressed them, Making me excited internally. Sensing my opportunity i opened my mouth and ate his finger, Kiyotaka didn't show much of a surprise and tried to escape, However i didn't let him. His eyes darted towards mine, Ordering me to let go, But instead, I grinned.

" Sho Delichious Mmmmm~ " I expressed, While closing my eyes and enjoying his finger. You know what, I take back what i said, I can even eat Kiyotaka here

" Cannibal ? " Kiyotaka asked in his monotone voice, He tilted his head and looked at me. I almost let go from how cute he looked but i stood my ground

Feeling satisfied i pulled away, A string of saliva came out connecting the both of us, I licked my lips savoring their taste in front of him.

" You really are cannibalistic " Kiyotaka teased.

" Little did you know~ " I teased back, Grinning widely at him. Kiyotaka tried to look horrified, However he failed miserably due to his poker face, He smiled bitterly at me chuckling at him.

" Sorry to keep you waiting Honami-chan ! " That voice belongs to Chihiro-chan who recently arrived towards our row alongside Mako-chan and our other friends, With their food trays in hand. With the exception of Yume-chan who cooks her own food and went for company

" Don't worry about it Chihiro-chan~ We're just gonna wait a bit for the rest of our Classmates. So feel free to take a seat " All 9 of them took their seats and placed their food there. This was our cue to start eating " Itadakimasu "

We all said in unison before digging into our food, Today, I made pasta with meatballs alongside some boiled eggs and a salad. Kiyotaka gave me a positive rating, Even though i expected it since he always does that, Somehow it always makes me happy.

My culinary skills has been improving ever since i started cooking for him, Since i was more motivated to learn new recipes and improve my skills to serve Kiyotaka the best dishes. I wasn't bad at cooking per say, But i wanted to get better and better

Kiyotaka Of Class B ( Year 1 )Where stories live. Discover now