Arc 6 Chap 3 : Playing with the Dragon

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At a certain Room of a certain institution at a certain mountains at a certain Borders of a certain Tokyo. A Man believed to be in the middle of his Forties was sitting on his office organizing some pile of papers. They believe it's some reports about the tests he conducted on his test subjects.

He surfed across them, Checking each one of their results, They were pretty impressive considering they are only children, That is in the eyes of everyone, But not that man.

" Pathetic, Pathetic, Pathetic, Pathetic... " He muttered on each paper he comes across. Infuriated with the results, He was visibly pissed off. " Take this pile of shit and get the fuck out of here "

The person standing inside his room was shacking to the spine from that man, At his orders he swiftly took the papers and left. That man relaxed on his Chair.

Since a certain day, His emotions were taking over him, Those emotions that he regarded as unnecessary were taking over him. To be more precise, A Certain emotion called Anger, Irritation, Frustration you name them.

His gaze and presence became more Intimidating to his peers, Nobody dared to try and press the issue and left him alone. All of them know the reason, All because of a certain brown haired boy

That man clutched a sole report that was laying on his desk and examined it..... That paper was already damaged to the many times he clutched it, Not only that, But of how many times he tugged it in frustration, At the scene of his son. He felt regret....

Regret about not being more vigilant when it comes to The White Room, So that Security breach would've not happened and he wouldn't send him towards his butler. Who would be cussed at for the rest of his remaining years.

That man Tugged the paper in frustration again, But he held himself from tormenting it and placed it back in his desk.

Knock Knock

" Come in " That man said, He looked at the door and waited eagerly for who's gonna appear. Soon the door slowly opened, Revealing the people behind it

" Hello there Mr. Ayanokouji, It's been a while " A Man greeted That man, Beside him was his wife.

" Welcome, Welcome " That man stood up and walked towards the man and his wife " It has been a while indeed Mr..... How have you been ? "

" I have been Great thank you for asking. It has been a long while since i visited The White Room. I was thinking of Visiting just the other day. You're invitation came at a Perfect Timing Mr. Ayanokouji " He said. However, That man sensed some hidden meanings behind his words

" It seems that our intentions line together Mr..... I Suppose you know why i called you here ? " That man said with a very faint grin. The other man Nodded with a wide smirk " Then let's not waste anymore time and get down to Business..... "

* Back at the School : Honami POV *

Today is the first day of the second event of Paper Shuffle, The finals. We'll be taking 8 exams in the period of 2 days, Today and Tomorrow. I am very excited and nervous

Our opponents are Class B, They are frightening. However, We can't let that thinking take over our heads. We also are pretty strong, I believe that this fight could go either way

Me being me, I was hugging Kiyotaka's arm tightly while we were walking towards school, I know that this pervert likes it a lot so why not ?

Lately, I noticed that a lot of Girls started to have a crush on my Kiyotaka, And i can't blame them. From his performance in the sports festival to his perfect academics. They started to notice how amazing He is

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