Arc 4.5 Chap 3 : White Room

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Currently, We are at Kiyotaka's room after we met his Father

Kiyotaka was leading the way while staying silent.

When i entered his tidy and clean room, I removed my shoes and walked towards the kitchen. Kiyotaka was surprised at my actions

" I can make the Drin- " I cut him

" No, Leave them to me. You should go and rest " I said with determination, He stared at me with his lifeless eyes, It was scary but i held myself from showing it

He nodded and sat on to his bed and stared at the ground, Contemplating about something. My heart started to ache at his sight. I hope i can help him

The kettle started making noise, Indicating that the water has boiled. I poured it into two cups of Cocoa and and brought them to him

" Sorry for having you take care of that " He Apologized while gracefully accepting the Cup

" It's no problem " I responded while sitting beside him

He stared at the cup for a while, I decided to give him some space and take a sip from my drink, He looked somewhat Vulnerable right now. He then talked

" What do you want to know about The White Room ? " He gave me the choice to choose where to start

" What is The White Room ? " I think it should be better to start slowly

" The White Room is a Facility that man founded to Create artificial Geniuses " He answered almost like a robot, As if he got the words ready for each question

" A Facility to create Geniuses ? Is it like a school ? " I asked

" Yes. In fact, It is pretty similar to this school " He answered. However, He noted " But with far less freedom and Privacy "

" How does The White Room look like ? "

" White World. Everything inside is white. The white hallways that gives you uneasiness, The white Floor that gives you despair, The sounds of Children screaming in agony while you try to sleep, And more "

I fell silent at his words, I cannot imagine how can a world like that even exists. What's worse, Kiyotaka lived in it......

I was gonna ask why did he got placed in such a cruel world. But it was his Father that Runs it

" Since when were you placed in there Kiyotaka ? "

" For as long as i can Remember.... " I see

I started feeling tears form in my eyes, But i can't let that happen now, I have to stay strong... For his sake

" What do you do in the white room ? "

" You have multiple sessions for multiple subjects and Fitness sessions. Just like a normal school " He continued " However, You are monitored all the time even in the bathroom. You go through multiple checkups during the day, They Inject multiple hormones so you'd have a better developments. You go through tests almost everyday "

" ... "

" Due to that, Stress and Anxiety took a toll on the students, They were suffering. But the Instructors didn't care, All they cared about was Results, So they kept going on with their Experiments no matter what the cost "

" W-What happened to those who didn't show any Results " I said Stuttering. Kiyotaka took a sigh

" They dispose of them " I gasped

Kiyotaka Of Class B ( Year 1 )Where stories live. Discover now