Arc 7.5 Chap 5 : Christmas Date Pt. 3

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Honami POV

After the events of the Theater room, We parted ways with Hirata-kun and Karuizawa-san to go and continue each one of our dates.

Currently, Me and Kiyotaka are walking towards the Seasonal Arena engaging in a fun banter. As the name suggests, It is an Arena where they host different types of games on each season, One of which was skating

I've seen some TV scenes about it, And it looked very fun. But i never got to try it, So this would be a new experience to me. I didn't want to ask but i'm sure that it is for Kiyotaka too.

Since Kiyotaka was raised in The White Room, It is safe to say that his childhood is ruined. He never got the chance to enjoy it and experience what normal children do, He was deprived from his freedom and was forced to live in that dreadful hell

I shook my head, Brushing those thoughts off my mind. It is my job as his beloved one to make him experience all what he missed and make him happy, He can forget the past and live in the present where he can enjoy himself. I am super happy that he is having fun with me on this date~ So i shouldn't spoil it

We kept conversing our way towards the Arena, And soon enough, The building structure came to light. We walked past the guards towards the reception desk where the receptionist greeted us

We paid two tickets for skating and we headed towards the changing rooms, Where our uniforms lay. I had to part ways temporarily with Kiyotaka before i went inside, I grabbed one of the suits as well as the boots and started wearing them

" Oh~? Ichinose-san ! " Midway through the process, A Very unsettling voice called out to me from the entrance " What a coincidence ! "

" Hello Kushida-san " I nodded at her while keeping my usual smile. She was smiling brightly inside her suit, Soon her companions emerged " Oh, Onodera-san, Inogashira-san, Sato-san and Matsushita-san too~ Good evening ! "

" Good evening to you too Ichinose-san " Matsushita-san greeted me back with a smile.

" Did you come here to skate as well Ichinose-san~? " Kushida curiously asked me. I simply nodded with a smile " I am surprised that you came alone Ichinose-san, Normally you would be around one of your female friends. Or did you perhaps come with Ayanokouji-kun~? " Kushida's smile widened as she spoke the last part with a hint of excitement. You can't let her get to you Honami, She is a venomous snake, It would come to bite you if you retaliate on her statement

" Yes~ I came here on a date with Kiyotaka~ " I responded happily. However, I noticed Sato-san flinch when Kushida mentioned Kiyotaka's name, I instinctively looked at her and she averted her gaze with a taint of red on her cheeks. Kushida and Matsushita-san noticed my gaze and looked towards Sato-san

" I see~ " Muttered Kushida after turning to face me. She was about to open her mouth when Matsushita-san spoke

" Girls, She is in the middle of changing, I don't think we should keep her like this for long "

" You're right Matsushita-san~ Sorry for keeping you hanging Ichinose-san, We'll wait for you outside~ "

" But Kushida-san. She is on a dat- "

" Cya Ichinose-san ! " Kushida cut through Matsushita-san's words and swiftly left the changing room. The girls looked at her back and glanced at me, Before following her outside. I unconsciously quickened my pace, While deep in thought

I don't know what Kushida is plotting, But one thing for sure is that it is nothing but trouble.

Kiyotaka told me that she is trying to seduce him so he could fight Horikita-san. However, Since Horikita-san now is already broken, Why is she still after him ? Is she deliberately trying to destroy our relationship just for fun ? Or is she trying to acquire him as her pawn ?

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