Arc 11.5 Chap 2 : Suspicious Milf

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Kiyo POV

It was around 9 AM of the very next day, Monday 18th of March, 3rd day of our Spring Break

After our morning workout, Honami and I took a shower and decided to grab breakfast outside to start our day

We were currently heading towards the western cafe, the same cafe me and Kouenji scouted yesterday after i suggested it, Honami immediately agreed and latched at my arm before letting me lead the way.

She was wearing a beautiful dark blue dress made of some fine fabric with her trusty necklace, this combo came with no makeup and beautifully displayed her natural beauty. Her dress may show that her body is nerfed but i was actually grateful since she would stand out less, meaning less people ogling her. Overall, she was breathtaking 

As if reading my mind, she hugged me even tighter before resting her head on my arm with a warm smile. I simply dropped her one glance checking her out with a thin smile before focusing back on my route

Luckily, her fever has subsided and she's back on shape already, due to the amount of rest she took. It was understandable since she was thoroughly exhausted yesterday, so i didn't have to order any medicine.

Speaking of ordering, my new set of gym equipment has finally arrived after so many delays and shipping issues, Currently it is waiting in the post-office and it will be delivered and set up on my room today around noon

I have encountered the same delivery issues with the mini-doll as well, the gift i ordered for Honami during white day. So it is safe to assume that online ordering has issues in general, at least in this school.

Brushing those thoughts aside, we have arrived towards our destination, the cafe was quieter than usual with less students in it, the same sight and smell but with a grayish morning theme. It felt like the best place for relaxation on earth

Navigating through the same path as yesterday, Honami's eyes was shining as she was scanning her surroundings. As outgoing as she is, this was her first time here and she seems to already took a liking to it. I felt a small sense of delight for choosing the correct place, for probably the first time...... Great improvement Kiyotaka !  

As i was mentally agonizing over my distasteful taste, I spotted Hiyori on one of the tables taking a sip from her cup before setting it back on the plate while immersed on her book. It was a sight I'm pretty used to

Honami also spotted her and instantly urged me to approach her, with a nod we both moved towards her table and greeted her

" Good morning Shiina-san~! " Honami's voice lacked it's usual pitch as a thoughtful measure to not ruin the calm atmosphere, but loud enough for Hiyori to hear.

" Oh~ Good morning Ichinose-san ! Kiyotaka-kun ! " Hiyori snapped out of her book and greeted us with an angelic smile. " How are you guys doing ? "

" We are doing pretty good Shiina-san, thank you so much for asking~ " Honami responded with a bright smile of her own before gesturing with her hand at two chairs " Do you mind if we join you ? "

" No, I don't mind ! " Hiyori shook her head before tidying her mess on the table and piling up her books, making space for us " Sorry about this, I didn't expect anyone to join me "

" No need to apologize Shiina-san. Rather, thank you for accepting us~! " Honami expressed as we both went and took our seats beside each other, Hiyori kindly offered us the menu to which we gracefully accepted and scanned through the list " I think i'll get green tea alongside a breakfast sandwich. What about you Kiyo ? "

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