Arc 10 Chap 3 : Class (D)alentine

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Matsushita POV

Hello, My name is Matsushita Chiaki, And i am a Japanese Student at the Advanced Nurturing High School, The most prestigious High School in Japan. And Currently, I am a Student in the Class at the bottom of the Hierarchy, To be more exact, Class D

Picking up my pace, I walked towards the Class and slid the door open, To be greeted by the quite and gloomy atmosphere. A lot of people were missing from their seats and the people sitting inside threw side glances towards the door, Checking who arrived. Seeing that it's only me they averted their gaze back towards their original spot, On top of the Table

The Class has been like this for more than a week now, Depression and many absences. Even though today is Valentine where everyone should be happy, They were all indifferent. I picked up my legs and walked towards my seat and scanned my surroundings

All you could hear was the breathing of the people near you alongside some chatter outside of the windows, Other than that, There was a deafening silence. The energetic people who were usually beaming with enthusiasm were sitting cloistered on their seats, Staring either at their tables or phones. Growing more distant towards Each other day by day, With no one to cheer them up

Even Kayano-chan and Maya-chan, The people i usually hang out with were distancing themselves. I sent them messages almost everyday asking if we could go to School together and they rejected me every single time with half-baked excuses. And i have been walking to School alone for the past week

It is understandable, Since during those moments where we take a fat Loss, There was always Kushida-san or Hirata-kun who would try and keep the Class together. However, None of them currently are present. In fact, They are the reasons this time for our Class's depression

Kushida-san's dismantlement by Ayanokouji-kun and her expulsion hit very hard, It was as if sending a powerful blow to a damaged wall and shattering it into pieces, This blow's damage was multiplied for the Boys for obvious reasons, However, It doesn't mean that the girls weren't affected too.

To balance things out, Hirata-kun's transfer came like a sudden storm in the middle of a sunny day. Balancing the amount of Damage dealt to both sexes. Even i was flabbergasted, A Million question running through my head

However, Ayanokouji-kun reassured me of our deal and told me that he'll transfer me soon enough. I tried to pry for more information but he shunned every single advance i made, And i was left with no option but to believe in him

Class A spent a total of 60 Million Private Points during that day with Ayanokouji-kun spending two-thirds of it alone, Which was a new record for the whole School. What's crazy was that nobody in the whole history of this School managed to transfer Classes, And Ayanokouji-kun transferred not one but two students, In a period of 9 Months.

I'm not sure how he attained the points but his reassurance was more than enough to keep me silent, Ayanokouji-kun's feats speak for themselves and i'm pretty sure he already planned my transfer. The protection of our Memorandum also assures it even more so i decided to not question him further. But instead, Try to learn as much as possible from the show he pulled

Even if Class D has been receiving nothing short of a zero since Sudo-kun's case, I already have more than enough points to live on my own for a couple of months, Around 40.000 Private Points. One of the conditions of our Contract is that he pays an concurrent amount of Private Points in advance so i could live on my own while spying for him, We agreed on an amount of 75.000 Points to which i spent around half of it

Soon, The bell rang, With more than half of the Class missing and Zombikita entering right before time. Horikita-san much like always, Had bags under her eyes with a messy hair and walking with heavy steps. It looked like she has been suffering under a lot of stress. However, All students didn't react to it because they already got used to her Zombie appearances for a week

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