Arc 1 Chap 7 : The MidTerms Part 2

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Important notice : It happened, AGAIN. I think i know why wattpad deleted half of my previous chapter again i'll try to evade it. Again if you missed the latter half go back and read it. Ill try to not make it happen again. Enjoy :)

It has been over 15 minutes since Ichinose got called to the student council, And yet, Nobody left. We all waited in a comfortable silence for any further notice.

The person in question came back and opened the door, All of my classmates including me looked at her in anticipation.

" So ? .. " Amikura being the first one to speak, Stood and looked at Ichinose.

Ichinose, In Response, Showed a bright and cute smile while jumping in excitement, Everyone sighed in relieve. Amikura, Rushed her friend and embraced her tightly

" You really did it Honami-chan ! I never had a doubt ! " Shiranami walked closely and spoke

" Yes, Thanks to all of your support, I became part of the student council, Thank you everyone " Ichinose said with a bright voice, She Genuinely looked Happy.

With that Shiranami, Minamikata and Andou all jumped into Ichinose hugging her more tightly. Well, Seems my business is done here.

However, As i was about to leave, Amikura Grabbed my wrist " Where do you think you're going Ayanokouji-kun ? "

" To the dorms of course " Amikura didn't seem too happy with my response, Sighed deeply

" You clearly can't read the room Can you ? " I looked at her in confusion, She continued " This calls for celebration, And you're just heading back to the dorms ? Pathetic, Follow me " She Started dragging me before i could complain. I sighed in resignation and allowed myself to be dragged by her.

After we got back to the classroom, We decided to head to karaoke. One a side note, It was Amikura's suggestion. Me, Ichinose, Amikura, Shibata, Kanzaki, Shiranami and Minamikata, Total of 7 people.

I checked my Phone to see two notifications. The first was from Manabu which was a thumbs up. The second was a message where Class A was tagged in one of posts of the school forums, Welcoming Ichinose to the student council. That post went viral, and now Ichinose is the talk of the school.

We arrived at the karaoke place, Ichinose went first, And what i could say ? Her performance was exceptional. Next was Shibata and Kanzaki, Who were forced to sing regardless of their protests. They managed to barely pass, The rest of the group went until it was my turn, I Insisted on not singing. However, All six of them were Insisting that i will. I chose a rap song, Due to my monotone voice, it was the easiest to preform. I managed to get a passing grade. And after that we left and sat on a cafe.

" Man that was quite tiring " Said Shibata while stretching

" It was a loud evening, But i had fun " Stated Kanzaki

" Yep ! It's all worth it " Said Minamikata

" Hey Kozue-chan you know what was more worth it ? " Said Amikura with a grin

" Hmm ?~ "

" Seeing Ayanokouji-kun sing. What do you think of his voice Honami-chan ? You were listening quite intensely when he was singing " The person in question was quietly and peacefully enjoying their drink. However, The Amikura omen doesn't show any favoritism

Ichinose chocked her drink against the surprise attack and started coughing hard, I Offered her my drink which was half-drank, She gulped it in one-go before returning back to normal.

However, Amikura leaned in to Ichinose's ears and whispered something, Not long after Ichinose started blushing furiously even her ears became red. She dug her face in her hands, Staring at me with one eye before speaking :

Kiyotaka Of Class B ( Year 1 )Where stories live. Discover now