Arc 2 Special Chapter : The scholar Event

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" Good morning Kiyotaka~ "

I was staring at the Mirror, Recalling the events of yesterday. A Cute voice broke me out of thought as i turned to look at the girl who was laying on my bed, looking at me.

But it wasn't a normal gaze, She stared at my body hungrily and lustfully. She licked her bottom lip like a predator was about to devour it's prey. Does she have a fetish over my body ?

" Good Morning Honami, Were you Awake ? " She didn't give any signs of someone who just woke up. The reverse, She looked completely energetic.

" Hehe~ Thank you for the Kiss " She was faking sleep when i kissed her forehead. She said without taking her eyes off my 8-pack " And for the meal~ "

I sighed as i put on a shirt, She pouted in disappointment before Standing up

" Did you sleep well ? "

" Yep ! I Really liked sleeping next to you, So i decided to make the most use of it~ " She came closer at me and hit me on my chest

" Ouch " 

" Hah, Like that would Hurt you, Pervert~ I won't forgive you for disturbing my sleep with ..... " She stopped, Trying to recall something. Suddenly she flushed and Started Stuttering " With .... With .... With your hot Body ! .... Hehe~ "

I just stared at her scratching her cheek while blushing. Cute

" Sigh. You're weird "

" Hey- " She hit me with much more force than before " I'm ... Not ... Weird ... baka "

Honami kept punching me cutely until she was satisfied, After muttering some words about Pitching a huge Tent. She Walked towards the kitchen

" What would you like to eat Kiyotaka ? "

" Hmmm- " I faked thinking, I Already have a dish on my mind. No it's not her. " Can you make me some pancakes please ? "

" Pancakes huh ? Sure i guess " She opened the fridge and Grabbed Ingredients " But why pancakes of all ? "

" I Heard about it from one of our classmates, They said it was Extremely Delicious so i bought ingredients for it. But i was lazy "

" You speak like you never ate them " 

" Well you're not wrong "

" WHAT ? " She blurted, Looking at me In Shock, Disbelief Written on face " Did you seriously Never ate Pancakes ? "

I Shook my head " This would be the first time i eat them "

" This adds more pressure " She muttered " Don't worry, I'll cook you the Best Pancakes you'll ever Eat in your entire life ! "

" Looking forward to it " I Responded, She Smiled Warmly which made my heart Throb on it's place. Honami's smile is dangerous

" At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if you never ate Ice cream too "

" You are correct "

" Called it " She said as she started Mixing the Ingredients skillfully. I couldn't help be think that she'd be an Amazing House wife. I bet she'd Feel Flustered if i said it out loud.

" Can i ask you a question ? " She said, I noticed Some Anxiety behind her words.

" Sure "

" Is it because of some sort of place that you never ate Ice cream and Pancakes ? "

" Care to explain ? "

" I know you don't want to talk about it but " She took a deep sigh before continuing " Yesterday ... You mentioned something about a place, You were locked on it for 16 years. Is it because of that place you can't feel emotions ? "

Kiyotaka Of Class B ( Year 1 )Where stories live. Discover now