Arc 11 Chap 9 : Tyrant vs Monster

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Honami POV

" What ?! " Shiina-san stood up from her chair and blurted out, Staring at her screen with shock.  " W-What is Kiyotaka-kun doing down there ? "

Her reaction wasn't different from the Audience of the Ring, They were all flabbergasted by Kiyotaka's presence. It was to be expected since Chihiro-chan or Yui-chan was supposed to be there

( A/N : Sowwy~ I did one small miscalculation on the previous Chapter and there is actually 2 people who didn't participate. Well i guess the blame falls on me for missing one small detail )

" M-Mashima-sensei ! Is this allowed ? " Shiina-san turned towards Mashima-sensei who gave her a nod with his stern expression. However, It made her even more confused " B-But shouldn't there be another student participating ? Kiyotaka-kun already participated once so- "

" Yes this is allowed Shiina-san, There is nothing wrong here. Everything is within the rules " Mashima-sensei cut through her with an explanation.

" B-But.... How ? " Shiina-san wasn't convinced in the slightest. Mashima-sensei sighed before dropping me a gaze

" If you want answers, You can ask her. I'm not allowed to give you anything. Please sit down and don't cause a commotion " 

Shiina-san reluctantly obeyed Mashima-sensei and sat back on her chair, Not before dropping me a gaze. It wasn't hostile but it shows discomfort and confusion

Everyone inside of the ring begrudgingly stopped murmuring and watched the event. A Referee walked towards the stage to set a timer. Ryueen excitedly punched his gloves together with a big smirk, Seemingly excited for this match. Kiyotaka just stared back at him before shifting his eyes to the referee

One small detail i forgot to mention is that both of Kiyotaka and Ryueen were topless, Which attracted a lot of attention towards them. Kiyotaka's body was looking as fierce as ever. However, I decided to not pay too much attention to it and focus more on the fight

The referee looked at his watch before dropping the both of them a glance, To which they responded with a nod, Indicating that they are ready. Ryueen extended one of his hands to fist bump Kiyotaka who reciprocated it. The referee dropped one last glance at his watch before declaring

" Right. BEGIN ! " He swiftly cut a line between the both of them, Declaring start of the match. They instantly backed away, Putting some space between them.

" Heh, It looks like you've outplayed me again huh ? " Ryueen with wide evident smirk spoke up, Acting passive for the time being.

" Well about that. I'd like to say that i'm kinda disappointed on you " Contrary to Ryueen who was excitingly tiptoeing around and working on his timings, Kiyotaka stood in his place with no guard, Looking as calm as ever

" Oh yeah ? Then tell me about it when i would be smacking your face you little shit " Ryueen instantly charged at Kiyotaka and threw a fast combo, Trying to catch him off-guard. Kiyotaka however, Calmly took a step back and evaded all of his attacks. Until he decided to throw an uppercut, To which Ryueen evaded by backing away 

" Not bad " Kiyotaka marked. Ryueen's smirk slightly widened However, He was instantly punched in the face " But not good enough "

Kiyotaka caught Ryueen off guard with a very fast jab that he reacted pretty late for it. He faltered two steps backwards before raising his guard again

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