Arc 8 Chap 1 : Leading in the Dark

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Kiyo POV

Winter break has came to a close. Signalling the Start of the third semester of our First-year in the Advanced Nurturing High school.

I was walking my way towards school inside my school uniform, Fighting against the cold breezes of January under the dark grey sky

Muffled noises could be heard among the breeze, As students were in groups chatting with their friends. However, An air of caution is flying around them.

Classes are back in session, Which means that the start of Class Conflict has rose again. Special exams are the ultimate battleground where the scores would be settled. However, That doesn't mean it's the only way to fight.

Our Class points for January have been updated and received. As expected, Every Class saw a change. However, There is only one Class that didn't.....

Class A : 1652 C.P

Class B : 870 C.P

Class C : 641 C.P

Class D : 0 C.P

( I forgot to type the change of Class points in paper shuffle, This above is for January and Classes lost some points from that time )

Class D was the only Class that didn't experience a change in Class Points, It stood exactly the same. Technically, They were the only class that didn't lose points, Because they didn't have any in the first place.

Class D would most definitely stay the same in the future exams, Being the one who always ends up last, Providing a scapegoat for the three higher classes.

So, I am willing to predict that..... By the start of our Second-year..... Class D would have less than 30 Students. They have 34 Currently, So at the very least, 4 Would disappear from the Class. I am just predicting for fun, The future is uncertain....

" Hehe~ "

While reminiscing in my thoughts, My vision suddenly blacked out as two pairs of gloves gently covered my eyes.

" WHO~? " The person blindfolding me with her hands spoke in a masked tone, Trying to imitate Albert's tone of speaking. However, His tone was too much for her

" Honami " I called out to her. She unconsciously pulled my face down and pressed her chest even more on my back.

" NO~ " Honami kept the same tone. " I am your secret Girlfriend~ "

" Ooooooooooh " I pretended as if a realization hit me. A light smirk presented itself on my face " You must be Honami's Thighs then "

" Hehe~ What a cheater~ " Honami took off her hands from my eyes and put some space between us, I turned around to find her looking at me with a grin and a cute blush, She crossed her arms and exclaimed " Now that you've been caught red handed~ Do you have any last words~? "

" Errrrrr... I- "

" Good, Then Shine~ " Honami said before chopping my head cutely, She moved her hand and smiled brightly at me " Do you want to go to school together~? "

" No " I Responded with a smirk of my own. Honami's eyebrows widened, Before it turned to a smirk as well

" Yippie~ Thank you for accepting Kiyotaka~ " She exclaimed before latching at my arm.

" I never agreed tho "

" Did you not~? " Honami looked at me contemplating something, Before flashing me a mischievous grin " Well no matter, Your opinion isn't important anyway~ "

Kiyotaka Of Class B ( Year 1 )Where stories live. Discover now