Arc 11.5 Chap 3 : Boredom

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After the disastrous events with my 'mother' , Chie-sensei gave me a peck on the cheek before waving me goodbye. As a sign of her motherly love

While I still haven't changed my mind that this was a terrible deal, I don't think it's very bad either. Chie-sensei is definitely not the best out there, but I could use make use of the experience she's gonna provide me. All I need is a slight change of perspective and live with it

" I wonder what would be Honami's reaction about this... " I muttered, while laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling

Would she be angry or sad ? Happy or jealous ? I know that she would understand my feelings but how will she feel about it ? Sigh, It's starting to get lonely

I couldn't help but bring up her name and start thinking about her, much like every time we're separated. I am well aware that this is happening because I have nothing to do, so i decided to get up and take a random stroll to clear my mind

There is still an hour left for the hangout on Shibata's room, I could go now since he is currently in his dorm. However, I have taken the possibility of him doing chores or preparations so I decided just to wait

With a vest for efforts, I wandered around campus while swapping my air with a fresh one as I was enjoying the views. The atmosphere wasn't as chilly as the morning but it was still cold

I strolled from Keyaki mall to the special building, some alleyways and even the Teachers's dorms in a small adventure. However, as i was about to leave the latter place, I spotted something rather unusual

I redirected my legs and picked up the pace towards the small garden ahead of the Mysterious dorm building while hiding my presence. Arriving there I stared at the bushes for a while before sneaking my hand inside and tapping the dark green T-Shirt

" Haah ?!!! " The bushes started shacking with a medium-pitched startled scream. The person inside slowly rose his head until eye level above the bushes and looked towards me. I immediately recognized the long blonde hair tied into a ponytail and blue eyes, It was... " O-Oh it's you. Come hide real quick "

The person instantly clutched my hand and dragged me inside of the bush with them and made me some space, while I could've easily stopped them I didn't want to deal with the mess afterwards so I simply complied

" What's the meaning of this......... Hashimoto ? " The person in question was none other than Hashimoto Masayoshi of Class B

" I'm sorry my King. But i can't afford to get caught " He glanced at me with a small smirk and clapped his hands together apologetically with a small bow. I simply waved him off before following his line of sight " I'm trying to uncover the school's biggest secret "

" Biggest secret ? You mean that building ? " I pointed towards the Mysterious dorm ahead of us, Hashimoto nodded

" Yes. I've been observing it for over an hour and a half now " Hashimoto added with a frustrated tone, feeling sorry about his progress. However, I couldn't help but feel amazed " Do you mind helping me with this task King ? Not that i doubt your abilities but you could be a great help "

Hashimoto shifted his gaze to me and gave me an expectant look. He seemed somewhat dedicated into solving this case for some reason. I had nothing else to do for the next hour so i replied with a nod

" Sure "

" Yes ! " Hashimoto smiled broadly and punched the air in celebration. " Glad to have you aboard King, let's start our investiga- Oh shit something is happening "

Hashimoto immediately buckled down on his knees while dragging me closer towards him with excitement. I made myself more comfortable before opening a slight gap on the leaves and joining him on spying

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