Arc 4 Chap 4 : Kouenji's move

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This Chap is a prelude to the next one, It is Short compared to the others ( 2K words ). But the next Chapter would be the Battle

Also there is something interesting for you guys here :) Let's see if you can guess what it is ( Hint : It happened in Canon )

The third discussion of the Second day was spent on playing cards. Clearly no one was in the mood for discussing stuff about the exam, But behind everyone's laziness was some scheming, Even Katsuragi has his own trap and he is waiting for the correct moment to pull

On our Part. Honami and Kanzaki, Mainly Kanzaki has been working hard to try and figure out the pattern, They are in a definite advantage compared to the others. Honami has been taking care of the matters of our classmates and our group

At the Rate Kanzaki is going, I am positive that he would find it, He is somewhat going through the Right way, But not quite. That's why i cannot exactly tell when he would find it

The school has really done a magnificent job when it comes to this exam, The pattern is a very basic one, But difficult to get through the illusions and baits the school put.

It really tests your thinking, By trying to find the pattern you are technically going against the school itself. Naturally, It wouldn't be easy at all, So you would have to consider every possibility when doing so.

Honami and Kanzaki are being put at a tough test right now. It may look great on the surface, But things are actually grim, But no one is aware, And it's not like it's their fault

Kushida Kikyou from Class D. If you ask anyone about her, They would tell you that she's an angel, Her popularity even rivaled Honami's. However, Honami's Popularity decreased since i started dating her, As a result Kushida has became the most popular girl in our Grade.

People take her as an Angel, Or a goddess. But little did they know, Behind that mask is a nasty demon. Normally, I Would've went and blackmailed her into becoming a pawn of mine, But since i have a promise to keep, That can wait.

Enough of that

I Closed my eyes and my cleared my head, The sound of water splashing slowly started fading as i laid on a chair on the pool. It was truly relaxing

" Here is your drinks " A Waiter snapped me out of my thoughts as he placed two drinks on the table on my right

" Thank you sir " Honami who was laying on the chair next to mine thanked the waiter.

Honami with her Red swimsuit and voluptuous figure was breathtaking, Her long silky Hair beautifully laying on the chair, She opened her mouth and took a sip from the tube, It was truly stunning. Her white smooth thighs were beautifully resting on top of the Chair.

" Hmmm~ " Honami started twitching uncomfortably, That's when i realized i was staring a little too much

" Oh I'm sorry " I Said Apologetically

" N-No ! Don't be~ You can stare all you want~ " She permitted me with a blush " You can even have them if you want~ "

" Sorry i didn't hear you " She muttered that last part under her breath. I Couldn't hear it

" N-NO ! Nothing~ Heehee~ " She started nervously chuckling while scratching her cheek who were as red as a tomato. She looked so cute, I Was about to say something when

' Oh my god I'm gonna die from cuteness '

' Ichinose-san can get like that ? Damn i'm so jealous '

' She's sooo Hawwwt '

' Why Him ? Just look at that body ! '

Since Honami was in her swim suit, She attracted alot of attention from the boys unfortunately.

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