Arc 8 Chap 2 : The Colossal Exam

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Honami POV

After our talk with Kiyotaka, Me and Kanzaki-kun delivered his warning to our Classmates. Understandably, They were confused, But they agreed to comply and stay calm

Kiyotaka is currently talking with Chie-sensei in the front, There is enough space between us to disallow any inconspicuous eavesdroppers However, I could see their expressions.

Kiyotaka was wearing his usual poker face. However, Chie-sensei was having a serious expression. It is rare seeing her like this except for some announcements for special exams, She didn't appear wary of Kiyotaka but instead, It was something else

They kept talking until Chie-sensei nodded and her expression eased.... Into her usual cheerful one. She grinned at Kiyotaka and spoke with him for a bit before she extended her arm towards his neck where it was covered with his High-neck Shirt, He immediately dodged her attempt and she pouted before turning around and grinning at me.

I was also wearing a High-neck Shirt, Same as Kiyotaka, To hide our hickeys, But it seems that Chie-sensei also caught wind of this. Ironically enough, It was Mako-chan who first noticed this and tried to tease me into telling the truth, Me and Kiyotaka worked up an excuse beforehand that this is to show that we are a couple by wearing the same thing, But it seems that both of them didn't buy it.... Or even if they did, They just tease us because it's fun~

" Hmph~ " I unconsciously pouted. At that exact moment, Kiyotaka returned and looked at me in confusion, I averted back to my smile before the both of us joined our friends and kept walking towards the unknown....

Kiyo POV

It didn't take long after my talk with Chie-sensei to reach our destination, We walked in the hallways of a familiar building in a complete silence. And soon enough, We reached our destination

It was a big empty amphitheater room, Around 15 rows were facing the Big Blackboard behind the Teacher's desk, The brown color of the wood was dominant

Many of my Classmates were amazed, This was way enormous than your average classroom. However, Everybody heeded my warning and didn't utter a word. An awkward atmosphere is building up. Chie-sensei glanced at us and grinned before she started talking, Garnering everyone's attention back at her

" Alright everyone~ I'm gonna hand you guys your seating~ " Chie-sensei grabbed her clipboard and flipped the pages " Please listen attentively and  calmly walk up to your seats and wait there~ As i said if you have any questions save them for later~ Okay~? "

Chie-sensei Commenced her announcement and started assigning everyone's seats. I walked up towards the 70th seat which was located in the 7th Row and sat, Calmly assessing the situation.

There is an astonishing amount of cameras inside this Class, More than 30. There is on average 11 seats on each row all having their specific number, It isn't uncomfortable sitting here However, It would be if it gets crammed, But it is more than enough to contain 11 students comfortably.

Honami walked up to my row and sat 6 numbers away from my left, She gave me a smile to which i responded with the same. Not long after Kanzaki also came to my row and sat 3 seats from my left, 2 away from Honami. He looked at both of us and nodded, Seemingly happy

Beside Honami sat Himeno on the seat before last, She looked indifferent on the outside. However, I can clearly see her discomfort from this situation increase when she sat with Honami. 

Himeno doesn't necessarily hate Honami, But she doesn't like her much either. Her cloistered personality makes it harder for her to be around energetic and enthusiastic figures like Honami, And i can understand her since i used to be like her. Soon all of our Classmates took their seats 

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