Arc 3 Chap 4 : The Final Showdown

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On the Third day After My Chat with Sakayanagi, I went to Explore the Rest of the Island. I Marked Around 15 New spots. I Ended with the Corn field and Walked back towards the Camp, Nothing important happened after that

On the Fourth day, I Went and spied on Class D, But Something happened...... The only way to describe it. That it was a Class D thing. 

Karuizawa's Underwear has been stolen. The girls are furious about it and suspected the boys, The boys naturally fought back, It was an annoying back and fourth.

I Thanked the Chairman on my head for not placing me on this Class. I'd go mad

The important thing is that Ibuki was nowhere to be found. The boys started throwing the blame at her but the girls blindly defended her because she is a 'girl' I Felt my blood boil by the second of watching this. But I'm Thankful for them for making me feel a new emotion called frustration.

The girls Asked Hirata to preform a backpack check which he accepted. The boys lined up with their bags and started going one by one. However, Yamauchi was talking to Ike who was pale.

He tried to hand Yamauchi something but Yamauchi declined. So Ike forced it into his hand and Yamauchi unconsciously Yelled gathering the Attention of everyone including the girls. Underwear in hand

Yamauchi Told them that it was Ike who gave it to him and Ike refuted back. The girls and the boys relentlessly tormented the both of them to the point where they started Crying. 

I Knew that they were innocent but i didn't feel any pity, The opposite actually, It was amusing.

That's what you get for Ogling my Honami you idiots

I Kept mocking them internally on my way back towards the Camp.

Same Day 08:00 PM

As soon as Roll-call ended. I Excused myself and went to claim our spot. This Trick is pretty handy, They would agree.

After i returned the key card to Shiranami, I bolted towards the woods with a flashlight.

I Have to reach it before they do

My classmates were questioning what i was gonna do. Thankfully Kanzaki and Honami came to my aid. I owe them

After 5 minutes of running i Reached the Tower, The spot that was claimed by Class B. I quickly hid myself without any noise and waited

The Class B's Roll-call ended around 2 minutes ago. So they should be here any minute now

Not long after, a student came towards the Tower, It was Hashimoto. He walked towards the device carefully checking his surroundings. He grabbed a keycard and claimed it.

He took another look around him before going back towards the base.

I sat hidden for 2 minutes, Until i saw  someone go out from the bushes. They went and checked the device, and quickly ran away. Interesting

I Quickly tailed them deep in the Jungle without making much of a noise. 

Around 10 minutes of constant moving they Stopped. I Instinctively hid behind a tree as i sensed another Person Approaching

" Ryueen-kun, Are you here ? " Said the Approaching Figure.

" Kukuku " Ryueen, The figure i've been Tailing kuku'ed, And the Person instantly recognized him and sat beside him " Same as always eh ? "

" Yeah, It's Ayanokouji-kun who claimed the spot again " Said The Person. 

After claiming the Spot multiple times, I confirmed the presence of someone hiding in the bushes. A Spy to be exact waiting for the Leader to walk into the Trap, Much like what Ryueen did Earlier.

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