Hirata Yousuke SS - Genuine ?

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" Am i wrong ? " Kiyotaka-kun rose his eyebrow

is he wrong ? No he isn't, And i know that very well

My Classmates are backstabbers, And i know that very well, Then why am i hesitating ? To admit out loud that..... My friends are bunch of losers ?

Kouenji-kun is also his friend, And they are gonna betray him, As Matsushita-san told me. Then why am i hesitating ? He could save him, While i can't.... It seems that i am a loser too, I'm sorry....

" In fact, They are targeting Kouenji in this exam. Am i right ? " 

Huh ? How did he-

" How ? " I looked at him in confusion and muttered

" Simple, Because somebody already spilled the news for me " Kiyotaka-kun said while looking straight at my eye with a serious expression. 

I see, So somebody already betrayed us..... huh ? 

" As you can see, They don't deserves all the work you put into them. And if you still don't believe me, I guess i'll let you see for yourself "

If i'm not surprised then why am i frustrated ? It is expected at this stage.

What Kiyotaka-kun said was 100% True, Why am i getting all worked up for a bunch of people who lie as much as they breath ? No, I believe you Kiyota-..... 

" W-What do you mean ?.... " Somehow, I got an ominous vibe from the last sentence and blurted out without a second thought

" What i mean is, Tomorrow things are going to go very wrong for your Class, Since Kouenji is going to transfer to my Class " Kiyotaka-kun said, And i widened my eyes from surprise. " And you can figure out what's gonna happen "

Kouenji-kun is gonna transfer to Class A ? If that happens then......

" You see it now ? " 

" I do.... " I muttered, Dejectedly.

The Class is gonna be in a turmoil, Since Kushida set the Target on Kouenji-kun. If he transfers then Chaos would spread and Kushida would be forced to choose another student amidst the Chaos meaning the Class would be destroyed.... 

" However, You don't have to worry about a thing Yousuke " A Hand was placed on my Shoulder, Snapping me out of my thoughts " Even if you failed to protect someone. That doesn't mean your friend is sad "

" H-Huh ? M-My friend ? Y-You mean S-Sugimura ? "

" Yes " Kiyotaka-kun nodded, Before removing his hand " I'm pretty sure that he is already happy with the fact that you regret abandoning him and you're striving so hard to pay for your sin, And i'm pretty sure that he forgave you too "

S-Sugimura-kun.... Forgave me ? No, There is no way !

Because of my selfish reasons, Sugimura lost his life, Because of me he died while suffering, If i have got involved instead of spectating Sugimura wouldn't have lost his life

I regret it, I absolutely do, I can never live with myself after that, I am a terrible selfish person. I should never be forgiven, Especially from him

" You strove so hard to pay for your sin, I'm pretty sure your desperation already reached him, And if it's genuine he already accepted it. Think about his feelings, He'll be happy to see you happy, And he'll be sad when he sees you sad. So don't hurt yourself because it would hurt him too "

M-My actions already reached him  and he accepted them ? He'll be hurt if he sees me hurt ?

Is that true ?.....

" If your friendship back then was genuine and you really love your friend, Then i'm pretty sure your feelings are reciprocated too. Don't worry Yousuke, You did great "

Sugimura already forgave me ?..... And he wants me to be happy ?

Was our Friendship genuine.... Sugimura ?

' Hey hey hey Yousuke  '

' Hmm ? What is it Sugimura ? '

' Do you want to check this store with me ? I heard that they bought a new Titan ! '

' Woah Really ? '

' Yep ! It's the Lady from Transformers. You know she has glasses and stuff '

' You mean Akashi's favorite character ? '

' YES ! It's her '

' Alright let's go get it ! '

' Yousuke.... Watch out ! '

' Ah '

' Yousuke, You ding dong, Why did you break it ? '

' I'm sorry ! I just tripped '

' Man you're so clumsy '

' I'm sorry ! '

' Don't worry Yousuke. We are friends right ? Toys can be replaced but not friends ! '

Was that all genuine ? Sugimura ?

I lowkey had the feeling that Sugimura is Hirata's god and he always asks him for guidance and apologizes for sins while writing this. Anyway it may be too cringe but i wanted to do something to touch my Cold assed viewers's emotions

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