Arc 4 Special Chapter : King's Election

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" Come on Ayanokouji-kun ! We are late ! "

" Yeah yeah " I Stood up from my bed and followed Shibata's orders

It was 9 PM... Which means..... The Competition of who is the manliest would start

Shibata was too excited for this one, Kanzaki and Hamaguchi were just following the Flow so i just did the same.

Someone Rented the biggest private pool on the Cruise for an Hour to hold this competition. If someone went as far as that then this competition is a big deal

" Who do you think would win guys ? " Shibata enthusiastically asked

" How would we know ? " Kanzaki Responded quite Strongly

" You're no fun Kanzaki-kun. We will never know who would win, But isn't it fun that way ? You can try and guess randomly " 

" I don't want to do that " Shibata Pouted at Kanzaki's refusal

" What about you Ayanokouji-kun, Hamaguchi-kun ? " He asked the both of us

" Sorry, I would feel kind of uncomfortable taking a bet like that " Hamaguchi Said apologetically. Shibata turned towards me

" Maybe you would win Shibata " Shibata's eyes went wide at my statement

" Nah i don't think i'll win. I'm not insecure or anything It's just that I'm not the Biggest " Shibata Said Honestly while Scratching his cheeks " But i appreciate your Trust on me Ayanokouji-kun. If you end up winning, I'll serve my king for the rest of my life " He gave a salute which was quite Amusing

We Reached the entrance to the Pool, We slid the door open to be greeted with more than 70 Boys inside all wrapped up in a bath towel. They didn't lie when they said that The whole Boys are coming

" WELCOME " Albert who was standing beside the door greeted us loudly.

" Oh Shibata ! " Hashimoto who was chatting with someone walked up to us and greeted Shibata

" Hello Hashimoto-kun ! " Hashimoto Smirked, He then Gazed at me

" Good, You Brought Ayanokouji " Shibata Nodded while beaming What ? " You arrived Just in time, Go change we will be starting soon "

Following Hashimoto's words, We went towards the Changing room and switched to bath towels.

" What did he mean by that Shibata ? " I Questioned Shibata about what Hashimoto said Earlier. Shibata started laughing nervously while Scratching his cheek

" Well you see.... Hashimoto-kun asked me to convince you to come today "

" Why ? "

" Well.... Fine, Because You're Dating Ichinose-san, We were curious about what you've been packing "

" I see... "

We Quickly Changed and Walked back towards the pool. All the Boys were assembled below a small platform where Hashimoto was standing, When he noticed us he Cleared his Throat and started his speech

" Everyone... Thank you for coming to my Humble Competition. Today, We will see who is the manliest student on the First-years. As you've known, The winner Here would be branded as our King and gonna win 10.000 Private points for WHAT'S WORTH ! " Hashimoto shouted the last part making all the Boys Cheer alongside him. This is gonna be troublesome

" Kito are there any absences ? " a Muscular Guy who had long black hair went through the papers

" There is only 1 Absence Hashimoto "

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