Arc 10 Chap 2 : 'Period'

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Honami POV



At the sound of the Bell, I dropped my pen and slumped on my chair, Sighing in tiredness. Many of my Classmates started yawning before stretching, Restoring their physical energy after the long morning sit

" The exams sure are exhausting " Hirata-kun behind me muttered, With a weak exhausted smile.

" You can say that again " I said before yawning and sitting properly. " But the most important thing is that we did great~! How did it go Hirata-kun ? "

" It went pretty well, I'm sure i scored high. Thank you for your concerns Ichinose-san " Hirata-kun thanked me with a smile, I responded with the same. However, His eyes opened and darted towards the left where Kiyotaka's table was " But i'm concerned about Kiyotaka-kun, He finished pretty early "

Kiyotaka was sleeping soundly on top of his table with his face turned towards us, His forehead was covered by his brown silky hair and the rest by his strong arms, Only his right eye was visible. Somehow, Even his eye makes my heart race, Honestly what's wrong with me ?

" You don't have to worry Hirata-kun, He always does this and ends up acing the exams " I reassured him and Hirata-kun's smile came back.

" I guess the rumors are actually true. " Hirata-kun said and i nodded.

" Yep~ Since he always finishes pretty early, Chie-sensei made a special case for him and decided to give him the next exam paper right after he finishes so he could sleep. As you've seen today " I explained

" Ah i see i see. I was kinda confused but it makes sense now " Hirata-kun nodded understandably. Before he started giggling and spoke jokingly " I wonder what was your reaction when you first saw him like this. "

" Haha please don't remind me. " I laughed scratching my cheek in embarrassment at the nostalgic memories.

I remember myself visibly sweating when Kiyotaka finished the exam in just 15 minutes thinking that he threw it, My anxiety was thorough the roof. That was probably the worst exam period in my entire life

" Haha I'm sorry Ichinose-san. I guess it was very bad " Hirata-kun apologized, Snapping me out of my thoughts

" No no don't apologize Hirata-kun, It's not your fault " I shook my head as i reassured him. " Anyways, I wanted to ask you. How did you find our Class so far ? "

As i said that, Kiyotaka shifted in his seat and woke up from his slumber and scanned the room until his eyes landed on us. I pulled a bento box out of my bag and handed it to him to which he accepted and stared at us

" Your Classmates has been nothing but kind, Even though i'm still an outsider they treated me like i'm their best friend and welcomed me warmly. I am grateful and happy to be in this Class with everyone here " Hirata-kun beamed with a bright smile, Genuinely happy to be here, Which also made me happy. Mako-chan and the others were approaching us and heard what Hirata-kun said which also made them happy

" I am very glad that you you like it here Hirata-kun, It certainly makes us very happy ! " I exclaimed, The Class nodded too supporting my words. " If you need anything you can just come and talk to me or Kanzaki-kun, Kiyotaka is also an option too "

" I will do, Thank you so much Ichinose-san " Hirata-kun bowed in gratitude. I simply shook my hand in front of him in order to divert his attention. Soon, Mako-chan and Shibata-kun joined us, Alongside some of our Classmates

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