Horikita Manabu SS : A Friend

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I am an Extraordinary Child, i was born extraordinary and achieved extraordinary things

With a lot of hard work, I became the best in the eyes of everyone

I was a blessing to my parents, They all got showered with respect and praised just because i am their child

People's expectations were all over me. However, I didn't allow it to pressure me

I always did what people expected me to do, I lived to fulfill people's expectations

Those expectations was what formed the current successful me, Many people look up to me cause i meet those expectations. However, Those expectations also removed any free choice i have

Since i live to meet the expectations, I cannot pursue other paths other than what is expected from me to follow

I was expected to enroll at The ANHS and become the best there, And i did just that.

Due to me being extraordinary, I didn't find any real friends. All the people i am acquainted with speak formally since they look up to me. The Closest one to being my Friend was Akane, But not close

I couldn't find a real friend that understands me, Or doesn't befriend me just because of my abilities.

I didn't want someone extraordinary just like me, I just wanted Genuine feelings.

My success influences people around me, They can't help but feel that way. So i don't Blame them, It is all my fault after all.

It is in Human nature to seek someone extraordinary, So they would be of use to you. I didn't understand this until i met one person

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

He was the only person i couldn't appraise. I still remember it on that day during the Club affairs, He was the only one different between all the Fresh-men

It happened some while ago, But i still remember it like Yesterday

He was shrewd in Mystery, Even my so-called amazing skills didn't work on him. That's when i understood something

He is extraordinary

I checked his history but i didn't find anything, Even his school documents are a mystery. I Couldn't help but feel intrigued

After some interactions with him, I came to the conclusion that he is extraordinary. However...

He isn't bound by any expectations, He does whatever he feels like doing. He doesn't get influenced by the people around him, Yet he influences them

He is someone that is way better than me, Way better than what i hope to be. Yet, He wasn't bound by anything, Unlike me

After our interaction during the Relay race, I came to understand that he wasn't meeting people's expectations like i did

He was forced to

Unlike others, I felt like he is someone i can call a friend, A True Friend. And i can confidently say that

He is my first true Friend

Kiyotaka Of Class B ( Year 1 )Where stories live. Discover now